Classifieds -MOD Block

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Re: Classifieds -MOD Block

Post by Kirk »

Open the portal_classifieds_mod_side.html and change the value:

Code: Select all

style = "width: 100%
I currently do not have time to solve this problem.
Gruß Udo

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Re: Classifieds -MOD Block

Post by playagiron »


no problem, will check it out and try to get a solution in the future.
For now the center Block works just great.

Just a minor bug I found: The right and left barriers are twice as wide as of the normal blocks (forumlist, who is online, ...).
I found the culprit to be a redundant div tag and here is what solve's the problem:
In the center.html file just remove the second line "<div class="forabg">" as well as the closing tag in the second to last line "</div>".
Now it looks as all the other blocks.
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Re: Classifieds -MOD Block

Post by Kirk »

Thx for the tip with the right and left barriers,
I had not yet noticed. :)
Gruß Udo
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Re: Classifieds -MOD Block

Post by Kirk »

I have the side block revised.

Code: Select all

{$LR_BLOCK_H_L}<!-- IF $S_BLOCK_ICON --><img src="{$IMAGE_SRC}" width="{$IMAGE_WIDTH}" height="{$IMAGE_HEIGHT}" alt="" />&nbsp;<!-- ENDIF -->{$TITLE}{$LR_BLOCK_H_R}

       <div class="topiclist">
         <!-- BEGIN rand_ad -->
            <li class="row bg2 classifieds_block" style="width:100%;" <!-- IF rand_ad.S_LAST_ROW and rand_ad.S_ROW_COUNT is even -->style="width:100%;"<!-- ENDIF -->>
                       <div class="cl_thumb" style="margin: 10px 0px 0px -4px;">
                        <!-- IF rand_ad.THUMB -->
                           <img src="{rand_ad.THUMB}" alt="{rand_ad.TITLE}" />
                        <!-- ELSE -->
                           <img src="{ROOT_PATH}/buysell/images/noimage.gif" alt="{rand_ad.TITLE}" />
                        <!-- ENDIF -->
                     <div class="cl_desc" style="margin: 1px 0px 1px 0px;">
                        <a href="{rand_ad.AD_LINK}"><b>{rand_ad.AD_TITLE}</b></a><br />
                        {L_IN} <b>{rand_ad.CATEGORY}</b><br />
                        <b>{L_CL_PRICE}</b>: {rand_ad.AD_PRICE}<br />   <i>{L_CL_BY}</i> {rand_ad.AD_POSTER}

         <!-- END rand_ad -->
Gruß Udo

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Re: Classifieds -MOD Block

Post by playagiron »

thanks, no it looks as it should. Still the side bar is now larger than before but this is entirely due to the Classified Mod Blocks which have a fixed width.
Changing both (btw, not sure you need both?!) style:width:100% to width:150px; kind of solves the problem but then the advertisements are cut. SO I think this is as good as it gets using the Classified mod. Further tweaking would need some Modding of the Original Classified Mod Files and go beyond a simple block.

So I would consider this Block as Finished! Thank you for your great work!!! Looking forward to portal 2.0.0 final now!
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