A few questions

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The Iron Dreamer
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A few questions

Post by The Iron Dreamer »

Hello there lads...

My clan is currently looking into making/updating its website...

Were are going to be using phpbb3 since this the forum we have now and it has alot of data on it that we dont whant to loose.... So we whant a CMS that we can integrate with the forum so that we can have articles, downloads and other stufff... I'm kinda like the board3 portal but my clan leader is all about security and says that portal compromise the security of the phpbb3 forums...

So my questions are does it really compromise the security of the phpbb3?
What kind of changes are being made to the phpbb3 DB?

Thanks in advance...
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Re: A few questions

Post by Marc »

There are no known security issues with Board3 Portal and as far as I know there never have been any.

The Portal just adds a new table to the database.
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