permission matrix for portal view

Current Version: 1.0.6
Released: 09.01.10
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permission matrix for portal view

Post by milplus »

Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
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Your knowledge: Advanced Knowledge

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?

Description and Message

I was trying to partialize access to portal depending on user permission.

I'd like registered user to see only forums but not portal . Unfortunately it appears there is a bug when users have permission to few forum only, from portal they can see all on the community and through the back door enter into the
forum was originally hidden and access denied.

please can you advise how can I set this in order to sort this out.


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Re: permission matrix for portal view

Post by archivar »

it did not do's with the Board3 portal.
Therefore, I move the topic to the Trash.

You must also set the permissions in the ACP for the individual forums.
V.G. archivar
sorry for my bad english

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Re: permission matrix for portal view

Post by milplus »

sorry archivar

I did set up all permission through ACP and they are ok, so user can login and in the board index see only what allowed.

however the recent topics , latest announcments etc in the portal are shown to that user anyway despite he should not be allowed to see them.

please cna you support me, I guess it is strictly related to the portal itself.

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Re: permission matrix for portal view

Post by archivar »

I have the issue no longer in the Recycle Bin.
I do not blame the portal.
I do not want to speculate what is the error.
Please read also this: - Rules | We ask for your attention
V.G. archivar
sorry for my bad english

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Re: permission matrix for portal view

Post by milplus »

I'm glad to hear our topics are moved to the trash can and remain unanswered with no reasons, same for my PM.

I'd like to know why you feels uncomfortable to answert to a simple question providing support .

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Re: permission matrix for portal view

Post by Marc »

Please send me some details, i.e. a link to your board, a test account where I can test this issue and maybe some more detailed info on what the exact permission settings are.

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Re: permission matrix for portal view

Post by milplus »

Dear Mark

thanks for your note

I do not have special permission set up on this forum .

I Simply have phpbb 3.0.6 with board3 portal installed version 1.0.5

the problem is there is not any permission panel in the portal from where you can set up any permission of the user. I was thinking the portal was aligned in terms of permission with the normal community, but recent topics announcments etc are visible to everyone.

please becuase I have this installed locally I cannot give oyu credentials to log in but if you wish you can contact me on skype or by email .

many thanks for yuor support

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Re: permission matrix for portal view

Post by milplus »

any luck in addressing my problem?

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Re: permission matrix for portal view

Post by Marc »

Could you send me some info on how the permissions are exactly set(what the user is allowed to see and what not -- maybe make screenshots of the settings in the ACP)?

Then it would be good to know if they can see the topic they were not supposed to see when they click on the link to that topic.

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Re: permission matrix for portal view

Post by milplus »

dear mar

itàs hard to send you screenshots of all permissions but YES users were enabld to se eonly coupple of forums were thought through the portal able to see lasted posted topcs by moderators or other users in forum were denied to go.

at that point clicking on these topics they were abel to enter these hidden forums and read them out.

hope you can tell me whether the permission panel for the portal is supposed to be managed by the permission acp only or if we have encuntered any bugs in the past re to these permission issue.

thanks again
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Re: permission matrix for portal view

Post by Marc »

It sounds to me like you hid the forum category but didn't deny access to the forums. The portal is not able to let users open a forum or thread inside it without the correct permissions, as viewtopic.php will check for the user's permissions and not the portal.

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Re: permission matrix for portal view

Post by milplus »

dear Mark

I wish to reopne this old topic becuase I still gettig hard time to sort this out.

I feel portal is great but there is this issue re to permission failure which they are making to me the portal useless.

Can you please help me with some guidance in understanding how I can fix the problem

ivery shortly as summary of the above forum or sections hidden in ACP to certain users are becoming available into the Portla instead with high risk of information loss...

I need to understand whether the problem might be in vietopic.php or other file are the Permissin governor in phpbb3 ] portal.


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