News block font colour.

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News block font colour.

Post by focb »

Your Portal Version: 1.0.6
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

What have you done before the problem was there?
Updated to 1.0.6

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
Tried to search for similar issues. Nothing found.

Description and Message
Hello all!

I have a small problem... after updating to 1.0.6 (which went smoothly it seems) the news block on the front does not carry over the font colour from the user/group as set in PHPBB.

To expand on the description and by way of an example, I have set the font colour for the group used by our guild leader to a sort of aquamarine. Previously with 1.0.5 this colour was also replicated on the news block, but now that same text is showing up as black. Text that is coloured using <color> tags still works properly, only the group font colour settings are not carried over.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: The text shows up as a simple grey in Firefox. It is black only in Chrome.

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Re: News block font colour.

Post by Marc »

It works over here. Try refreshing your browser cache.

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Re: News block font colour.

Post by focb »

Thanks for the speedy reply.

In Chrome - deleted entire browser cache (Everything).

The following text on the site shows up as black:

"Why is it that I always seem to be dead when we get a new boss down?"


In this you can see the black text which should be aquamarine (türkis :)) the same as the name 'Everblue'.

The green text has successfully carried over the color bbcode from the forum posting.

I have tried in Firefox also (after deleting all cache) and it shows up as grey rather than black.
Last edited by focb on 4. September 2010 12:05, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: News block font colour.

Post by archivar »

Which phpBB version is the style?
V.G. archivar
sorry for my bad english

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Re: News block font colour.

Post by focb »

Hi Archivar,

PHPBB version is 3.0.7-PL1.

The style itself is actually PBWoW, version RC4.

Please note that it worked perfectly in 1.0.5 - it was only after updating to 1.0.6 that it stopped working :) This is why I had put it in the support forum, not the styles forum. Sorry if this was incorrect.

Also, one small other problem... the border around the attachment is bright white... where can I edit the colour for this?
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Re: News block font colour.

Post by archivar »

This is because of your style.
In other style prosilver and subsilver2 the problem is not.
V.G. archivar
sorry for my bad english

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Re: News block font colour.

Post by focb »


Because this worked in Board3 Portal 1.0.5 is there any easy way to downgrade back to that version? 1.0.6 doesn't work with PBWoW RC4 whereas 1.0.5 did.

Or alternatively, if you could tell me where to change this font colour I will try and fix it myself.

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Re: News block font colour.

Post by focb »

I remembered I backed up the entire folder before I did the upgrade. I have now reverted back to 1.0.5. Thankfully because I did the upgrade process the DB entry now exists and I don't get the out of date message either!

If you now visit you will see that it works fine.
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Re: News block font colour.

Post by archivar »

Have you installed any one mod for the colors?
Then you must install the well in the v. 1.0.6.
V.G. archivar
sorry for my bad english

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Re: News block font colour.

Post by focb »

No, the colours are handled simply by the normal PHPBB3 group colours system:

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Re: News block font colour.

Post by Marc »

I can see that colour in Firefox 3.6, IE8 and the newest version of Chrome. :?

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Re: News block font colour.

Post by focb »

Hi there Marc :)

Yes, since you last posted I was told by Archivar it was a style problem and not Board3 so I reverted back to 1.0.5 which works perfectly.

Not sure what is going on but I'll just stay with that version if it is too hard to fix. Appreciate you're busy. :)

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Re: News block font colour.

Post by Marc »

It already worked for me this morning. :?

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Re: News block font colour.

Post by focb »

OK I'll run the upgrade again, and do before and after screenshots. :)

Maybe it'll help.

Who knows, maybe it'll just work!

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Re: News block font colour.

Post by focb »

Nope... same thing. I just went and tested on the neighbour's PC on both IE and Firefox also.

Here is the screenshot again (from Chrome). The text in black which says 'Why is it that I always seem to be dead when we get a new boss down?' should not be black, but should be Aquamarine/Türkis, the same as the text which says 'Everblue'

The text that is in black in Chrome shows up as dark grey in both Firefox and IE.


This is what it SHOULD look like and DOES look like with 1.0.5. (zoomed in a bit) :)
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