Can't get avatar to show in user_menu.html

Current Version: 1.0.6
Released: 09.01.10
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Can't get avatar to show in user_menu.html

Post by andrew55 »

Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
I refreshed cache, template, themes. I tried different variations of code, but can't get avatar to show.

Description and Message
I have two boards with the awesome mod installed on both. The boards are almost the same setup.

One board displays the avatar (in the user menu on portal.php) but the other one does not. Both board have a "no avatar" mod that shows a generic avatar if one has not been uploaded (just a small edit in includes/functions_display.php).

Ive been struggling with this for hours trying everything I can think of, with no luck. I created a test login username/password if anyone is willing to help. You can access the board and see how one is showing the avatar and the other is not. I don't know enough about the code to look at the source and was hoping someone here would be willing to check it for me.

Here is the login info:

username: test22
password: test22

Here is the board that shows the avatar (or generic is no avatar is uploaded):

Here is the board that does not show the avatar (or generic is no avatar is uploaded):

Thank you very much in advance for any suggestions.
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Re: Can't get avatar to show in user_menu.html

Post by Marc »

What version are you using? It loos like something below 1.0.0. :o
I can only suggest you to upgrad to the newest version.

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Re: Can't get avatar to show in user_menu.html

Post by andrew55 »

Yes, not trying to cause confusion. I actually have the newest version installed, but I used the code from an older version in the modules. I should have mentioned this but I guess I thought it might have been something else. Like an idiot, I figured it out once you mention it. I put some of the new code in the module and now the avatar displays just fine.

The reason I am using some of the old code is because I couldn't figure out how to get the newer module codes to display my theme (prosilver_se), especially the rounded corners of the theme. I saw some notes here about styling menus to fit a different theme: knowledge/kb_show.php?id=5

After reading the instructions, I still couldn't figure out how to get my menus to look right. As you know, the old method of styling looks like this:

<div class="portal-panel">
<div class="inner">
<span class="portal-corners-top"><span></span></span>

But the new method (in the newest portl version) uses defines like this: {$LR_BLOCK_H_L}

I understand the concept of defines, but I can't figure out how you guys are getting rounded corners using these defines.

bg_menu.gif is just a bar like image, with no corners. Also, in my theme (prosilver_se), bg_menu.gif is the old phpbb blue color, not the grey that I am trying to achieve (as in the menus).

So out of desperation, and to get it done quick, I pulled some of the code out of your older versions just to use in the menu modules. Rather than being a "help vampire" and pounding your forums with question after question, I thought I could get away with this temporarily fix until I could either take the time to explina this, and pay you or another coder to do it correctly.

But, now that I got myself into this situation, if you have any suggestions, I'm all ears (the cat is out of the bag). I guess my question is how do you get the menus to display rounded corners from a (prosilver_se) theme, or any other non-standard theme? I can edit graphics, but bg_menu.gif in the theme is blue, and I don't see how these square grahics could acheve rounded corners. Sorry to ramble, but even trying to explain this issue is tricky. Thanks again for such a great mod and great support for the mod.

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Re: Can't get avatar to show in user_menu.html

Post by andrew55 »

I figured it out. I use the prosilver_se grahics and some of the css in my board (with a prosilver style). This portal was triggering the blue boxes for login/blocks instead of the greys in (which didn't look right).

I finally tracked it down and found that I could create a new css class to fix it.

In _block_config.html, I changed

Code: Select all

<!-- DEFINE $LR_BLOCK_H_L = '<div class="panel bg4">

Code: Select all

<!-- DEFINE $LR_BLOCK_H_L = '<div class="panel bg5">
Then I added this in colours.css

Code: Select all

.bg5	{ background-color: #dcdee2;
The "How to ... edit portal.css" in the Knowledgebase here didn't' seem to help me, so I thought I'd post this in case anyone ran into a similar issue.

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