Board3 Portal 1.0.4 - English Problem

Current Version: 1.0.6
Released: 09.01.10
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Board3 Portal 1.0.4 - English Problem

Post by delori »

Your Portal Version: 1.0.4
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Beginner

PHP Version: 5.3.0
MySQL Version: SQL 2008

What have you done before the problem was there?
Fresh new install using SQL2008 as the DB. I was able to get PHPbb 3.0.5 installed, configured, and running, all was good. I pulled down Board 1.0.4, copyed the files to my server (hosted locally), modified the files, and then ran the install. The install returned the following errors:

General Error
SQL ERROR [ mssql_odbc ]

[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'IF'. [37000]


DROP TABLE IF EXISTS phpbb_portal_config


FILE: includes/db/mssql_odbc.php
LINE: 165
CALL: dbal->sql_error()

FILE: install/install_functions.php
LINE: 160
CALL: dbal_mssql_odbc->sql_query()

FILE: install/install_functions.php
LINE: 125
CALL: b3p_drop_table()

FILE: install/install_install.php
LINE: 115
CALL: b3p_create_table()

FILE: install/install_install.php
LINE: 73
CALL: install_install->load_schema()

FILE: install/index.php
LINE: 279
CALL: install_install->main()

FILE: install/index.php
LINE: 56
CALL: module->load()

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
Rolled back the install and I'm back to normal so far. I've now installed "Dependency: Board3 Portal supports MOD Version Check. To use this feature, this mod has to be installed." but I'm holding off to reinstall Board3 until I can get some feed back.

Description and Message
Questions, is 1.0.4 a complete package or do I need to install an older version and roll up? Did I do the install steps correctly? Copy new files to server, modify listed files, run install? The last step leads me to believe I may have done something wrong. "Save all files. End of MOD.
You have finished the installation for this MOD. Upload all changed files to your website. If the installation went bad, simply restore your backed up files."

Thanks for any help,


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Re: Board3 Portal 1.0.4 - English Problem

Post by TheGrimReaper »

Try using MySQL database with Apache webserver instead.
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Re: Board3 Portal 1.0.4 - English Problem

Post by Kevin »

This is an issue with our installer.
No chance to test it, as no one of the team has MSSQL2008.

Please add this problem to the our bugtracker, with the complete description.
In best case you join the testing team and help us with directly testing the installer on MSSQL2008, as we have the mentioned lag of testing environment for it.
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Re: Board3 Portal 1.0.4 - English Problem

Post by TheGrimReaper »

MSSQL may not be able to read Board3's tables. Try a WAMP/LAMP software package with your portal and bulletin board.
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Re: Board3 Portal 1.0.4 - English Problem

Post by Marc »

I don't think that is an acceptable solution.

Anyhow, I really don't know how you get that error. The part that is responsible for this, clearly makes an exception for MSSQL:

Code: Select all

    if ($db->sql_layer != 'mssql')
        $sql = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $table_prefix . $table_name;
        $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
        $sql = 'if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = ' . $table_prefix . $table_name . ')
            drop table ' . $table_prefix . $table_name;
            DROP TABLE {$table_prefix}{$table_name}";
        $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
I guess you have some error in your config.php.
Please open your config.php and tell me what is written behind $dbms.
In my config.php it looks like this:

Code: Select all

$dbms = 'mysqli'; 

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Re: Board3 Portal 1.0.4 - English Problem

Post by TheGrimReaper »

IIS/MSSQL may have a different configuration on his computer than required for Board3 configuration. Also, MSSQL may not be compatible with Board3 at all, requiring a different, supported software package. Does Board3 have a port for MSSQL, or does it use the common XAMP (not the software by Apache Friends. Instead, X=Cross-Platform) database solution?
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Re: Board3 Portal 1.0.4 - English Problem

Post by Marc »

There is no port for MSSQL needed, as far as I know it works for all databases that are suppported by phpBB3, including MSSQL.
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Re: Board3 Portal 1.0.4 - English Problem

Post by Kevin »

erm, the portal should support all kind of DBs, which are supported by phpBB3 (MySQL, Postgres, MSSQL, etc), as phpBB does all the DB abstraction layer stuff.
Just in some cases it's needed to implement an extra solution in the portal code, as in the random block the order by random.
So no need to force people to use an MySQL database if they want to use the portal. It's just the mentioned lag of people in the testgroup, using other database systems than MySQL, causing bugs we haven't noticed yet. ;)
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