Board Index Problem
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Before creating a new support thread, please take a look in the board3 Portal FAQ and use the search!
Many questions have already been answered.
Board Index Problem
Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Beginner
What have you done before the problem was there?
Fresh Install Of Portal
What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
Everything that i could think of. Re did all my edits and uploads.
Description and Message
When I click on Board Index I get this:
Warning: require(./../common.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/s/t/r/streakin/html/index.php on line 20
Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required './../common.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/php5/lib/php') in /home/content/s/t/r/streakin/html/index.php on line 20
I im lost and have been trying for hours. Please help. Thanks for your time in advance.
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Beginner
What have you done before the problem was there?
Fresh Install Of Portal
What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
Everything that i could think of. Re did all my edits and uploads.
Description and Message
When I click on Board Index I get this:
Warning: require(./../common.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/s/t/r/streakin/html/index.php on line 20
Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required './../common.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/php5/lib/php') in /home/content/s/t/r/streakin/html/index.php on line 20
I im lost and have been trying for hours. Please help. Thanks for your time in advance.
Re: Board Index Problem
I dont know what i did to my Index.php --- It is just not working correctly.
Here is what my index.php looks like
I have tried for 4 hours and just cant get my board to work. Im off to bed.. i hope you can help. Thanks again in advance for all your help. The Portal is GREAT!!!!! Just this one problem i am having.
Here is what my index.php looks like
Code: Select all
* @package acp
* @version $Id: index.php 9369 2009-03-16 12:08:38Z acydburn $
* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
* @license GNU Public License
define('IN_PHPBB', true);
define('ADMIN_START', true);
define('NEED_SID', true);
// Include files
$phpbb_root_path = (defined('PHPBB_ROOT_PATH')) ? PHPBB_ROOT_PATH : './../';
$phpEx = substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1);
require($phpbb_root_path . 'common.' . $phpEx);
require($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_admin.' . $phpEx);
require($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_module.' . $phpEx);
// Start session management
// End session management
// Have they authenticated (again) as an admin for this session?
if (!isset($user->data['session_admin']) || !$user->data['session_admin'])
login_box('', $user->lang['LOGIN_ADMIN_CONFIRM'], $user->lang['LOGIN_ADMIN_SUCCESS'], true, false);
// Is user any type of admin? No, then stop here, each script needs to
// check specific permissions but this is a catchall
if (!$auth->acl_get('a_'))
// We define the admin variables now, because the user is now able to use the admin related features...
define('IN_ADMIN', true);
$phpbb_admin_path = (defined('PHPBB_ADMIN_PATH')) ? PHPBB_ADMIN_PATH : './';
// Some oft used variables
$safe_mode = (@ini_get('safe_mode') == '1' || strtolower(@ini_get('safe_mode')) === 'on') ? true : false;
$file_uploads = (@ini_get('file_uploads') == '1' || strtolower(@ini_get('file_uploads')) === 'on') ? true : false;
$module_id = request_var('i', '');
$mode = request_var('mode', '');
// Set custom template for admin area
$template->set_custom_template($phpbb_admin_path . 'style', 'admin');
$template->assign_var('T_TEMPLATE_PATH', $phpbb_admin_path . 'style');
// the acp template is never stored in the database
$user->theme['template_storedb'] = false;
// Instantiate new module
$module = new p_master();
// Instantiate module system and generate list of available modules
// Select the active module
$module->set_active($module_id, $mode);
// Assign data to the template engine for the list of modules
// We do this before loading the active module for correct menu display in trigger_error
// Load and execute the relevant module
// Generate the page
'body' => $module->get_tpl_name(),
* Header for acp pages
function adm_page_header($page_title)
global $config, $db, $user, $template;
global $phpbb_root_path, $phpbb_admin_path, $phpEx, $SID, $_SID;
if (defined('HEADER_INC'))
define('HEADER_INC', true);
// gzip_compression
if ($config['gzip_compress'])
if (@extension_loaded('zlib') && !headers_sent())
'PAGE_TITLE' => $page_title,
'USERNAME' => $user->data['username'],
'SID' => $SID,
'_SID' => $_SID,
'SESSION_ID' => $user->session_id,
'ROOT_PATH' => $phpbb_admin_path,
'U_LOGOUT' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}ucp.$phpEx", 'mode=logout'),
'U_ADM_LOGOUT' => append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.$phpEx", 'action=admlogout'),
'U_ADM_INDEX' => append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.$phpEx"),
'U_INDEX' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}index.$phpEx"),
'T_IMAGES_PATH' => "{$phpbb_root_path}images/",
'T_SMILIES_PATH' => "{$phpbb_root_path}{$config['smilies_path']}/",
'T_AVATAR_PATH' => "{$phpbb_root_path}{$config['avatar_path']}/",
'T_AVATAR_GALLERY_PATH' => "{$phpbb_root_path}{$config['avatar_gallery_path']}/",
'T_ICONS_PATH' => "{$phpbb_root_path}{$config['icons_path']}/",
'T_RANKS_PATH' => "{$phpbb_root_path}{$config['ranks_path']}/",
'T_UPLOAD_PATH' => "{$phpbb_root_path}{$config['upload_path']}/",
'ICON_MOVE_UP' => '<img src="' . $phpbb_admin_path . 'images/icon_up.gif" alt="' . $user->lang['MOVE_UP'] . '" title="' . $user->lang['MOVE_UP'] . '" />',
'ICON_MOVE_UP_DISABLED' => '<img src="' . $phpbb_admin_path . 'images/icon_up_disabled.gif" alt="' . $user->lang['MOVE_UP'] . '" title="' . $user->lang['MOVE_UP'] . '" />',
'ICON_MOVE_DOWN' => '<img src="' . $phpbb_admin_path . 'images/icon_down.gif" alt="' . $user->lang['MOVE_DOWN'] . '" title="' . $user->lang['MOVE_DOWN'] . '" />',
'ICON_MOVE_DOWN_DISABLED' => '<img src="' . $phpbb_admin_path . 'images/icon_down_disabled.gif" alt="' . $user->lang['MOVE_DOWN'] . '" title="' . $user->lang['MOVE_DOWN'] . '" />',
'ICON_EDIT' => '<img src="' . $phpbb_admin_path . 'images/icon_edit.gif" alt="' . $user->lang['EDIT'] . '" title="' . $user->lang['EDIT'] . '" />',
'ICON_EDIT_DISABLED' => '<img src="' . $phpbb_admin_path . 'images/icon_edit_disabled.gif" alt="' . $user->lang['EDIT'] . '" title="' . $user->lang['EDIT'] . '" />',
'ICON_DELETE' => '<img src="' . $phpbb_admin_path . 'images/icon_delete.gif" alt="' . $user->lang['DELETE'] . '" title="' . $user->lang['DELETE'] . '" />',
'ICON_DELETE_DISABLED' => '<img src="' . $phpbb_admin_path . 'images/icon_delete_disabled.gif" alt="' . $user->lang['DELETE'] . '" title="' . $user->lang['DELETE'] . '" />',
'ICON_SYNC' => '<img src="' . $phpbb_admin_path . 'images/icon_sync.gif" alt="' . $user->lang['RESYNC'] . '" title="' . $user->lang['RESYNC'] . '" />',
'ICON_SYNC_DISABLED' => '<img src="' . $phpbb_admin_path . 'images/icon_sync_disabled.gif" alt="' . $user->lang['RESYNC'] . '" title="' . $user->lang['RESYNC'] . '" />',
'S_USER_LANG' => $user->lang['USER_LANG'],
'S_CONTENT_FLOW_BEGIN' => ($user->lang['DIRECTION'] == 'ltr') ? 'left' : 'right',
'S_CONTENT_FLOW_END' => ($user->lang['DIRECTION'] == 'ltr') ? 'right' : 'left',
// application/xhtml+xml not used because of IE
header('Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
header('Cache-Control: private, no-cache="set-cookie"');
header('Expires: 0');
header('Pragma: no-cache');
* Page footer for acp pages
function adm_page_footer($copyright_html = true)
global $db, $config, $template, $user, $auth, $cache;
global $starttime, $phpbb_root_path, $phpbb_admin_path, $phpEx;
// Output page creation time
if (defined('DEBUG'))
$mtime = explode(' ', microtime());
$totaltime = $mtime[0] + $mtime[1] - $starttime;
if (!empty($_REQUEST['explain']) && $auth->acl_get('a_') && defined('DEBUG_EXTRA') && method_exists($db, 'sql_report'))
$debug_output = sprintf('Time : %.3fs | ' . $db->sql_num_queries() . ' Queries | GZIP : ' . (($config['gzip_compress']) ? 'On' : 'Off') . (($user->load) ? ' | Load : ' . $user->load : ''), $totaltime);
if ($auth->acl_get('a_') && defined('DEBUG_EXTRA'))
if (function_exists('memory_get_usage'))
if ($memory_usage = memory_get_usage())
global $base_memory_usage;
$memory_usage -= $base_memory_usage;
$memory_usage = get_formatted_filesize($memory_usage);
$debug_output .= ' | Memory Usage: ' . $memory_usage;
$debug_output .= ' | <a href="' . build_url() . '&explain=1">Explain</a>';
'DEBUG_OUTPUT' => (defined('DEBUG')) ? $debug_output : '',
'TRANSLATION_INFO' => (!empty($user->lang['TRANSLATION_INFO'])) ? $user->lang['TRANSLATION_INFO'] : '',
'S_COPYRIGHT_HTML' => $copyright_html,
'VERSION' => $config['version'])
* Generate back link for acp pages
function adm_back_link($u_action)
global $user;
return '<br /><br /><a href="' . $u_action . '">« ' . $user->lang['BACK_TO_PREV'] . '</a>';
* Build select field options in acp pages
function build_select($option_ary, $option_default = false)
global $user;
$html = '';
foreach ($option_ary as $value => $title)
$selected = ($option_default !== false && $value == $option_default) ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
$html .= '<option value="' . $value . '"' . $selected . '>' . $user->lang[$title] . '</option>';
return $html;
* Build radio fields in acp pages
function h_radio($name, &$input_ary, $input_default = false, $id = false, $key = false)
global $user;
$html = '';
$id_assigned = false;
foreach ($input_ary as $value => $title)
$selected = ($input_default !== false && $value == $input_default) ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
$html .= '<label><input type="radio" name="' . $name . '"' . (($id && !$id_assigned) ? ' id="' . $id . '"' : '') . ' value="' . $value . '"' . $selected . (($key) ? ' accesskey="' . $key . '"' : '') . ' class="radio" /> ' . $user->lang[$title] . '</label>';
$id_assigned = true;
return $html;
* Build configuration template for acp configuration pages
function build_cfg_template($tpl_type, $key, &$new, $config_key, $vars)
global $user, $module;
$tpl = '';
$name = 'config[' . $config_key . ']';
switch ($tpl_type[0])
case 'text':
case 'password':
$size = (int) $tpl_type[1];
$maxlength = (int) $tpl_type[2];
$tpl = '<input id="' . $key . '" type="' . $tpl_type[0] . '"' . (($size) ? ' size="' . $size . '"' : '') . ' maxlength="' . (($maxlength) ? $maxlength : 255) . '" name="' . $name . '" value="' . $new[$config_key] . '" />';
case 'dimension':
$size = (int) $tpl_type[1];
$maxlength = (int) $tpl_type[2];
$tpl = '<input id="' . $key . '" type="text"' . (($size) ? ' size="' . $size . '"' : '') . ' maxlength="' . (($maxlength) ? $maxlength : 255) . '" name="config[' . $config_key . '_width]" value="' . $new[$config_key . '_width'] . '" /> x <input type="text"' . (($size) ? ' size="' . $size . '"' : '') . ' maxlength="' . (($maxlength) ? $maxlength : 255) . '" name="config[' . $config_key . '_height]" value="' . $new[$config_key . '_height'] . '" />';
case 'textarea':
$rows = (int) $tpl_type[1];
$cols = (int) $tpl_type[2];
$tpl = '<textarea id="' . $key . '" name="' . $name . '" rows="' . $rows . '" cols="' . $cols . '">' . $new[$config_key] . '</textarea>';
case 'radio':
$key_yes = ($new[$config_key]) ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
$key_no = (!$new[$config_key]) ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
$tpl_type_cond = explode('_', $tpl_type[1]);
$type_no = ($tpl_type_cond[0] == 'disabled' || $tpl_type_cond[0] == 'enabled') ? false : true;
$tpl_no = '<label><input type="radio" name="' . $name . '" value="0"' . $key_no . ' class="radio" /> ' . (($type_no) ? $user->lang['NO'] : $user->lang['DISABLED']) . '</label>';
$tpl_yes = '<label><input type="radio" id="' . $key . '" name="' . $name . '" value="1"' . $key_yes . ' class="radio" /> ' . (($type_no) ? $user->lang['YES'] : $user->lang['ENABLED']) . '</label>';
$tpl = ($tpl_type_cond[0] == 'yes' || $tpl_type_cond[0] == 'enabled') ? $tpl_yes . $tpl_no : $tpl_no . $tpl_yes;
case 'select':
case 'select_multiple':
case 'custom':
$return = '';
if (isset($vars['method']))
$call = array($module->module, $vars['method']);
else if (isset($vars['function']))
$call = $vars['function'];
if (isset($vars['params']))
$args = array();
foreach ($vars['params'] as $value)
switch ($value)
case '{CONFIG_VALUE}':
$value = $new[$config_key];
case '{KEY}':
$value = $key;
$args[] = $value;
if ($tpl_type[0] == 'select_multiple')
$new[$config_key] = @unserialize(trim($new[$config_key]));
$args = array($new[$config_key], $key);
$return = call_user_func_array($call, $args);
if ($tpl_type[0] == 'select_multiple')
$tpl = '<select id="' . $key . '" name="' . $name . '[]" multiple="multiple">' . $return . '</select>';
else if ($tpl_type[0] == 'select')
$tpl = '<select id="' . $key . '" name="' . $name . '">' . $return . '</select>';
$tpl = $return;
if (isset($vars['append']))
$tpl .= $vars['append'];
return $tpl;
* Going through a config array and validate values, writing errors to $error. The validation method accepts parameters separated by ':' for string and int.
* The first parameter defines the type to be used, the second the lower bound and the third the upper bound. Only the type is required.
function validate_config_vars($config_vars, &$cfg_array, &$error)
global $phpbb_root_path, $user;
$type = 0;
$min = 1;
$max = 2;
foreach ($config_vars as $config_name => $config_definition)
if (!isset($cfg_array[$config_name]) || strpos($config_name, 'legend') !== false)
if (!isset($config_definition['validate']))
$validator = explode(':', $config_definition['validate']);
// Validate a bit. ;) (0 = type, 1 = min, 2= max)
switch ($validator[$type])
case 'string':
$length = strlen($cfg_array[$config_name]);
// the column is a VARCHAR
$validator[$max] = (isset($validator[$max])) ? min(255, $validator[$max]) : 255;
if (isset($validator[$min]) && $length < $validator[$min])
$error[] = sprintf($user->lang['SETTING_TOO_SHORT'], $user->lang[$config_definition['lang']], $validator[$min]);
else if (isset($validator[$max]) && $length > $validator[2])
$error[] = sprintf($user->lang['SETTING_TOO_LONG'], $user->lang[$config_definition['lang']], $validator[$max]);
case 'bool':
$cfg_array[$config_name] = ($cfg_array[$config_name]) ? 1 : 0;
case 'int':
$cfg_array[$config_name] = (int) $cfg_array[$config_name];
if (isset($validator[$min]) && $cfg_array[$config_name] < $validator[$min])
$error[] = sprintf($user->lang['SETTING_TOO_LOW'], $user->lang[$config_definition['lang']], $validator[$min]);
else if (isset($validator[$max]) && $cfg_array[$config_name] > $validator[$max])
$error[] = sprintf($user->lang['SETTING_TOO_BIG'], $user->lang[$config_definition['lang']], $validator[$max]);
// Absolute path
case 'script_path':
if (!$cfg_array[$config_name])
$destination = str_replace('\\', '/', $cfg_array[$config_name]);
if ($destination !== '/')
// Adjust destination path (no trailing slash)
if (substr($destination, -1, 1) == '/')
$destination = substr($destination, 0, -1);
$destination = str_replace(array('../', './'), '', $destination);
if ($destination[0] != '/')
$destination = '/' . $destination;
$cfg_array[$config_name] = trim($destination);
// Absolute path
case 'lang':
if (!$cfg_array[$config_name])
$cfg_array[$config_name] = basename($cfg_array[$config_name]);
if (!file_exists($phpbb_root_path . 'language/' . $cfg_array[$config_name] . '/'))
$error[] = $user->lang['WRONG_DATA_LANG'];
// Relative path (appended $phpbb_root_path)
case 'rpath':
case 'rwpath':
if (!$cfg_array[$config_name])
$destination = $cfg_array[$config_name];
// Adjust destination path (no trailing slash)
if (substr($destination, -1, 1) == '/' || substr($destination, -1, 1) == '\\')
$destination = substr($destination, 0, -1);
$destination = str_replace(array('../', '..\\', './', '.\\'), '', $destination);
if ($destination && ($destination[0] == '/' || $destination[0] == "\\"))
$destination = '';
$cfg_array[$config_name] = trim($destination);
// Path being relative (still prefixed by phpbb_root_path), but with the ability to escape the root dir...
case 'path':
case 'wpath':
if (!$cfg_array[$config_name])
$cfg_array[$config_name] = trim($cfg_array[$config_name]);
// Make sure no NUL byte is present...
if (strpos($cfg_array[$config_name], "\0") !== false || strpos($cfg_array[$config_name], '%00') !== false)
$cfg_array[$config_name] = '';
if (!file_exists($phpbb_root_path . $cfg_array[$config_name]))
$error[] = sprintf($user->lang['DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST'], $cfg_array[$config_name]);
if (file_exists($phpbb_root_path . $cfg_array[$config_name]) && !is_dir($phpbb_root_path . $cfg_array[$config_name]))
$error[] = sprintf($user->lang['DIRECTORY_NOT_DIR'], $cfg_array[$config_name]);
// Check if the path is writable
if ($config_definition['validate'] == 'wpath' || $config_definition['validate'] == 'rwpath')
if (file_exists($phpbb_root_path . $cfg_array[$config_name]) && !@is_writable($phpbb_root_path . $cfg_array[$config_name]))
$error[] = sprintf($user->lang['DIRECTORY_NOT_WRITABLE'], $cfg_array[$config_name]);
* Checks whatever or not a variable is OK for use in the Database
* param mixed $value_ary An array of the form array(array('lang' => ..., 'value' => ..., 'column_type' =>))'
* param mixed $error The error array
function validate_range($value_ary, &$error)
global $user;
$column_types = array(
'BOOL' => array('php_type' => 'int', 'min' => 0, 'max' => 1),
'USINT' => array('php_type' => 'int', 'min' => 0, 'max' => 65535),
'UINT' => array('php_type' => 'int', 'min' => 0, 'max' => (int) 0x7fffffff),
'INT' => array('php_type' => 'int', 'min' => (int) 0x80000000, 'max' => (int) 0x7fffffff),
'TINT' => array('php_type' => 'int', 'min' => -128, 'max' => 127),
'VCHAR' => array('php_type' => 'string', 'min' => 0, 'max' => 255),
foreach ($value_ary as $value)
$column = explode(':', $value['column_type']);
$max = $min = 0;
$type = 0;
if (!isset($column_types[$column[0]]))
$type = $column_types[$column[0]];
switch ($type['php_type'])
case 'string' :
$max = (isset($column[1])) ? min($column[1],$type['max']) : $type['max'];
if (strlen($value['value']) > $max)
$error[] = sprintf($user->lang['SETTING_TOO_LONG'], $user->lang[$value['lang']], $max);
case 'int':
$min = (isset($column[1])) ? max($column[1],$type['min']) : $type['min'];
$max = (isset($column[2])) ? min($column[2],$type['max']) : $type['max'];
if ($value['value'] < $min)
$error[] = sprintf($user->lang['SETTING_TOO_LOW'], $user->lang[$value['lang']], $min);
else if ($value['value'] > $max)
$error[] = sprintf($user->lang['SETTING_TOO_BIG'], $user->lang[$value['lang']], $max);
Re: Board Index Problem
You've changed
It should be
Code: Select all
$phpbb_root_path = (defined('PHPBB_ROOT_PATH')) ? PHPBB_ROOT_PATH : './../';
Code: Select all
$phpbb_root_path = (defined('PHPBB_ROOT_PATH')) ? PHPBB_ROOT_PATH : './';
Board3 Portal Dev & English Tech Support
Re: Board Index Problem
You are correct sir. Thank you so much for your time. I wish i knew you in real life and it could have saved me 4 hours of my life for one little simple thing like so. THANK YOU!!!
Re: Board Index Problem
One other question.... Now my Board index takes me to my ACP and makes me log in to get to the ACP. I just want it to take me to the Board Index.... "Forms" Any ideas? Same code as stated above... Just added the change. Works well.... But now i can NOT get to my forums via the board index. My index.php takes me to my ACP panel and everyone else that clicks it. I have cleared catch in the ACP... Still not working.
Thanks again for all the GREAT SUPPORT HERE.

Thanks again for all the GREAT SUPPORT HERE.

Re: Board Index Problem
Now my Portal link takes me to my ACP and my Board Index button still takes me to the ACP login... What am I doing wrong here. 

Re: Board Index Problem
Here is my Index.php as we speak.
Code: Select all
* @package acp
* @version $Id: index.php 9369 2009-03-16 12:08:38Z acydburn $
* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
* @license GNU Public License
define('IN_PHPBB', true);
define('ADMIN_START', true);
define('NEED_SID', true);
// Include files
$phpbb_root_path = (defined('PHPBB_ROOT_PATH')) ? PHPBB_ROOT_PATH : './';
$phpEx = substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1);
require($phpbb_root_path . 'common.' . $phpEx);
require($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_admin.' . $phpEx);
require($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_module.' . $phpEx);
// Start session management
// End session management
// Have they authenticated (again) as an admin for this session?
if (!isset($user->data['session_admin']) || !$user->data['session_admin'])
login_box('', $user->lang['LOGIN_ADMIN_CONFIRM'], $user->lang['LOGIN_ADMIN_SUCCESS'], true, false);
// Is user any type of admin? No, then stop here, each script needs to
// check specific permissions but this is a catchall
if (!$auth->acl_get('a_'))
// We define the admin variables now, because the user is now able to use the admin related features...
define('IN_ADMIN', true);
$phpbb_admin_path = (defined('PHPBB_ADMIN_PATH')) ? PHPBB_ADMIN_PATH : './';
// Some oft used variables
$safe_mode = (@ini_get('safe_mode') == '1' || strtolower(@ini_get('safe_mode')) === 'on') ? true : false;
$file_uploads = (@ini_get('file_uploads') == '1' || strtolower(@ini_get('file_uploads')) === 'on') ? true : false;
$module_id = request_var('i', '');
$mode = request_var('mode', '');
// Set custom template for admin area
$template->set_custom_template($phpbb_admin_path . 'style', 'admin');
$template->assign_var('T_TEMPLATE_PATH', $phpbb_admin_path . 'style');
// the acp template is never stored in the database
$user->theme['template_storedb'] = false;
// Instantiate new module
$module = new p_master();
// Instantiate module system and generate list of available modules
// Select the active module
$module->set_active($module_id, $mode);
// Assign data to the template engine for the list of modules
// We do this before loading the active module for correct menu display in trigger_error
// Load and execute the relevant module
// Generate the page
'body' => $module->get_tpl_name(),
* Header for acp pages
function adm_page_header($page_title)
global $config, $db, $user, $template;
global $phpbb_root_path, $phpbb_admin_path, $phpEx, $SID, $_SID;
if (defined('HEADER_INC'))
define('HEADER_INC', true);
// gzip_compression
if ($config['gzip_compress'])
if (@extension_loaded('zlib') && !headers_sent())
'PAGE_TITLE' => $page_title,
'USERNAME' => $user->data['username'],
'SID' => $SID,
'_SID' => $_SID,
'SESSION_ID' => $user->session_id,
'ROOT_PATH' => $phpbb_admin_path,
'U_LOGOUT' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}ucp.$phpEx", 'mode=logout'),
'U_ADM_LOGOUT' => append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.$phpEx", 'action=admlogout'),
'U_ADM_INDEX' => append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.$phpEx"),
'U_INDEX' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}index.$phpEx"),
'T_IMAGES_PATH' => "{$phpbb_root_path}images/",
'T_SMILIES_PATH' => "{$phpbb_root_path}{$config['smilies_path']}/",
'T_AVATAR_PATH' => "{$phpbb_root_path}{$config['avatar_path']}/",
'T_AVATAR_GALLERY_PATH' => "{$phpbb_root_path}{$config['avatar_gallery_path']}/",
'T_ICONS_PATH' => "{$phpbb_root_path}{$config['icons_path']}/",
'T_RANKS_PATH' => "{$phpbb_root_path}{$config['ranks_path']}/",
'T_UPLOAD_PATH' => "{$phpbb_root_path}{$config['upload_path']}/",
'ICON_MOVE_UP' => '<img src="' . $phpbb_admin_path . 'images/icon_up.gif" alt="' . $user->lang['MOVE_UP'] . '" title="' . $user->lang['MOVE_UP'] . '" />',
'ICON_MOVE_UP_DISABLED' => '<img src="' . $phpbb_admin_path . 'images/icon_up_disabled.gif" alt="' . $user->lang['MOVE_UP'] . '" title="' . $user->lang['MOVE_UP'] . '" />',
'ICON_MOVE_DOWN' => '<img src="' . $phpbb_admin_path . 'images/icon_down.gif" alt="' . $user->lang['MOVE_DOWN'] . '" title="' . $user->lang['MOVE_DOWN'] . '" />',
'ICON_MOVE_DOWN_DISABLED' => '<img src="' . $phpbb_admin_path . 'images/icon_down_disabled.gif" alt="' . $user->lang['MOVE_DOWN'] . '" title="' . $user->lang['MOVE_DOWN'] . '" />',
'ICON_EDIT' => '<img src="' . $phpbb_admin_path . 'images/icon_edit.gif" alt="' . $user->lang['EDIT'] . '" title="' . $user->lang['EDIT'] . '" />',
'ICON_EDIT_DISABLED' => '<img src="' . $phpbb_admin_path . 'images/icon_edit_disabled.gif" alt="' . $user->lang['EDIT'] . '" title="' . $user->lang['EDIT'] . '" />',
'ICON_DELETE' => '<img src="' . $phpbb_admin_path . 'images/icon_delete.gif" alt="' . $user->lang['DELETE'] . '" title="' . $user->lang['DELETE'] . '" />',
'ICON_DELETE_DISABLED' => '<img src="' . $phpbb_admin_path . 'images/icon_delete_disabled.gif" alt="' . $user->lang['DELETE'] . '" title="' . $user->lang['DELETE'] . '" />',
'ICON_SYNC' => '<img src="' . $phpbb_admin_path . 'images/icon_sync.gif" alt="' . $user->lang['RESYNC'] . '" title="' . $user->lang['RESYNC'] . '" />',
'ICON_SYNC_DISABLED' => '<img src="' . $phpbb_admin_path . 'images/icon_sync_disabled.gif" alt="' . $user->lang['RESYNC'] . '" title="' . $user->lang['RESYNC'] . '" />',
'S_USER_LANG' => $user->lang['USER_LANG'],
'S_CONTENT_FLOW_BEGIN' => ($user->lang['DIRECTION'] == 'ltr') ? 'left' : 'right',
'S_CONTENT_FLOW_END' => ($user->lang['DIRECTION'] == 'ltr') ? 'right' : 'left',
// application/xhtml+xml not used because of IE
header('Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
header('Cache-Control: private, no-cache="set-cookie"');
header('Expires: 0');
header('Pragma: no-cache');
* Page footer for acp pages
function adm_page_footer($copyright_html = true)
global $db, $config, $template, $user, $auth, $cache;
global $starttime, $phpbb_root_path, $phpbb_admin_path, $phpEx;
// Output page creation time
if (defined('DEBUG'))
$mtime = explode(' ', microtime());
$totaltime = $mtime[0] + $mtime[1] - $starttime;
if (!empty($_REQUEST['explain']) && $auth->acl_get('a_') && defined('DEBUG_EXTRA') && method_exists($db, 'sql_report'))
$debug_output = sprintf('Time : %.3fs | ' . $db->sql_num_queries() . ' Queries | GZIP : ' . (($config['gzip_compress']) ? 'On' : 'Off') . (($user->load) ? ' | Load : ' . $user->load : ''), $totaltime);
if ($auth->acl_get('a_') && defined('DEBUG_EXTRA'))
if (function_exists('memory_get_usage'))
if ($memory_usage = memory_get_usage())
global $base_memory_usage;
$memory_usage -= $base_memory_usage;
$memory_usage = get_formatted_filesize($memory_usage);
$debug_output .= ' | Memory Usage: ' . $memory_usage;
$debug_output .= ' | <a href="' . build_url() . '&explain=1">Explain</a>';
'DEBUG_OUTPUT' => (defined('DEBUG')) ? $debug_output : '',
'TRANSLATION_INFO' => (!empty($user->lang['TRANSLATION_INFO'])) ? $user->lang['TRANSLATION_INFO'] : '',
'S_COPYRIGHT_HTML' => $copyright_html,
'VERSION' => $config['version'])
* Generate back link for acp pages
function adm_back_link($u_action)
global $user;
return '<br /><br /><a href="' . $u_action . '">« ' . $user->lang['BACK_TO_PREV'] . '</a>';
* Build select field options in acp pages
function build_select($option_ary, $option_default = false)
global $user;
$html = '';
foreach ($option_ary as $value => $title)
$selected = ($option_default !== false && $value == $option_default) ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
$html .= '<option value="' . $value . '"' . $selected . '>' . $user->lang[$title] . '</option>';
return $html;
* Build radio fields in acp pages
function h_radio($name, &$input_ary, $input_default = false, $id = false, $key = false)
global $user;
$html = '';
$id_assigned = false;
foreach ($input_ary as $value => $title)
$selected = ($input_default !== false && $value == $input_default) ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
$html .= '<label><input type="radio" name="' . $name . '"' . (($id && !$id_assigned) ? ' id="' . $id . '"' : '') . ' value="' . $value . '"' . $selected . (($key) ? ' accesskey="' . $key . '"' : '') . ' class="radio" /> ' . $user->lang[$title] . '</label>';
$id_assigned = true;
return $html;
* Build configuration template for acp configuration pages
function build_cfg_template($tpl_type, $key, &$new, $config_key, $vars)
global $user, $module;
$tpl = '';
$name = 'config[' . $config_key . ']';
switch ($tpl_type[0])
case 'text':
case 'password':
$size = (int) $tpl_type[1];
$maxlength = (int) $tpl_type[2];
$tpl = '<input id="' . $key . '" type="' . $tpl_type[0] . '"' . (($size) ? ' size="' . $size . '"' : '') . ' maxlength="' . (($maxlength) ? $maxlength : 255) . '" name="' . $name . '" value="' . $new[$config_key] . '" />';
case 'dimension':
$size = (int) $tpl_type[1];
$maxlength = (int) $tpl_type[2];
$tpl = '<input id="' . $key . '" type="text"' . (($size) ? ' size="' . $size . '"' : '') . ' maxlength="' . (($maxlength) ? $maxlength : 255) . '" name="config[' . $config_key . '_width]" value="' . $new[$config_key . '_width'] . '" /> x <input type="text"' . (($size) ? ' size="' . $size . '"' : '') . ' maxlength="' . (($maxlength) ? $maxlength : 255) . '" name="config[' . $config_key . '_height]" value="' . $new[$config_key . '_height'] . '" />';
case 'textarea':
$rows = (int) $tpl_type[1];
$cols = (int) $tpl_type[2];
$tpl = '<textarea id="' . $key . '" name="' . $name . '" rows="' . $rows . '" cols="' . $cols . '">' . $new[$config_key] . '</textarea>';
case 'radio':
$key_yes = ($new[$config_key]) ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
$key_no = (!$new[$config_key]) ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
$tpl_type_cond = explode('_', $tpl_type[1]);
$type_no = ($tpl_type_cond[0] == 'disabled' || $tpl_type_cond[0] == 'enabled') ? false : true;
$tpl_no = '<label><input type="radio" name="' . $name . '" value="0"' . $key_no . ' class="radio" /> ' . (($type_no) ? $user->lang['NO'] : $user->lang['DISABLED']) . '</label>';
$tpl_yes = '<label><input type="radio" id="' . $key . '" name="' . $name . '" value="1"' . $key_yes . ' class="radio" /> ' . (($type_no) ? $user->lang['YES'] : $user->lang['ENABLED']) . '</label>';
$tpl = ($tpl_type_cond[0] == 'yes' || $tpl_type_cond[0] == 'enabled') ? $tpl_yes . $tpl_no : $tpl_no . $tpl_yes;
case 'select':
case 'select_multiple':
case 'custom':
$return = '';
if (isset($vars['method']))
$call = array($module->module, $vars['method']);
else if (isset($vars['function']))
$call = $vars['function'];
if (isset($vars['params']))
$args = array();
foreach ($vars['params'] as $value)
switch ($value)
case '{CONFIG_VALUE}':
$value = $new[$config_key];
case '{KEY}':
$value = $key;
$args[] = $value;
if ($tpl_type[0] == 'select_multiple')
$new[$config_key] = @unserialize(trim($new[$config_key]));
$args = array($new[$config_key], $key);
$return = call_user_func_array($call, $args);
if ($tpl_type[0] == 'select_multiple')
$tpl = '<select id="' . $key . '" name="' . $name . '[]" multiple="multiple">' . $return . '</select>';
else if ($tpl_type[0] == 'select')
$tpl = '<select id="' . $key . '" name="' . $name . '">' . $return . '</select>';
$tpl = $return;
if (isset($vars['append']))
$tpl .= $vars['append'];
return $tpl;
* Going through a config array and validate values, writing errors to $error. The validation method accepts parameters separated by ':' for string and int.
* The first parameter defines the type to be used, the second the lower bound and the third the upper bound. Only the type is required.
function validate_config_vars($config_vars, &$cfg_array, &$error)
global $phpbb_root_path, $user;
$type = 0;
$min = 1;
$max = 2;
foreach ($config_vars as $config_name => $config_definition)
if (!isset($cfg_array[$config_name]) || strpos($config_name, 'legend') !== false)
if (!isset($config_definition['validate']))
$validator = explode(':', $config_definition['validate']);
// Validate a bit. ;) (0 = type, 1 = min, 2= max)
switch ($validator[$type])
case 'string':
$length = strlen($cfg_array[$config_name]);
// the column is a VARCHAR
$validator[$max] = (isset($validator[$max])) ? min(255, $validator[$max]) : 255;
if (isset($validator[$min]) && $length < $validator[$min])
$error[] = sprintf($user->lang['SETTING_TOO_SHORT'], $user->lang[$config_definition['lang']], $validator[$min]);
else if (isset($validator[$max]) && $length > $validator[2])
$error[] = sprintf($user->lang['SETTING_TOO_LONG'], $user->lang[$config_definition['lang']], $validator[$max]);
case 'bool':
$cfg_array[$config_name] = ($cfg_array[$config_name]) ? 1 : 0;
case 'int':
$cfg_array[$config_name] = (int) $cfg_array[$config_name];
if (isset($validator[$min]) && $cfg_array[$config_name] < $validator[$min])
$error[] = sprintf($user->lang['SETTING_TOO_LOW'], $user->lang[$config_definition['lang']], $validator[$min]);
else if (isset($validator[$max]) && $cfg_array[$config_name] > $validator[$max])
$error[] = sprintf($user->lang['SETTING_TOO_BIG'], $user->lang[$config_definition['lang']], $validator[$max]);
// Absolute path
case 'script_path':
if (!$cfg_array[$config_name])
$destination = str_replace('\\', '/', $cfg_array[$config_name]);
if ($destination !== '/')
// Adjust destination path (no trailing slash)
if (substr($destination, -1, 1) == '/')
$destination = substr($destination, 0, -1);
$destination = str_replace(array('../', './'), '', $destination);
if ($destination[0] != '/')
$destination = '/' . $destination;
$cfg_array[$config_name] = trim($destination);
// Absolute path
case 'lang':
if (!$cfg_array[$config_name])
$cfg_array[$config_name] = basename($cfg_array[$config_name]);
if (!file_exists($phpbb_root_path . 'language/' . $cfg_array[$config_name] . '/'))
$error[] = $user->lang['WRONG_DATA_LANG'];
// Relative path (appended $phpbb_root_path)
case 'rpath':
case 'rwpath':
if (!$cfg_array[$config_name])
$destination = $cfg_array[$config_name];
// Adjust destination path (no trailing slash)
if (substr($destination, -1, 1) == '/' || substr($destination, -1, 1) == '\\')
$destination = substr($destination, 0, -1);
$destination = str_replace(array('../', '..\\', './', '.\\'), '', $destination);
if ($destination && ($destination[0] == '/' || $destination[0] == "\\"))
$destination = '';
$cfg_array[$config_name] = trim($destination);
// Path being relative (still prefixed by phpbb_root_path), but with the ability to escape the root dir...
case 'path':
case 'wpath':
if (!$cfg_array[$config_name])
$cfg_array[$config_name] = trim($cfg_array[$config_name]);
// Make sure no NUL byte is present...
if (strpos($cfg_array[$config_name], "\0") !== false || strpos($cfg_array[$config_name], '%00') !== false)
$cfg_array[$config_name] = '';
if (!file_exists($phpbb_root_path . $cfg_array[$config_name]))
$error[] = sprintf($user->lang['DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST'], $cfg_array[$config_name]);
if (file_exists($phpbb_root_path . $cfg_array[$config_name]) && !is_dir($phpbb_root_path . $cfg_array[$config_name]))
$error[] = sprintf($user->lang['DIRECTORY_NOT_DIR'], $cfg_array[$config_name]);
// Check if the path is writable
if ($config_definition['validate'] == 'wpath' || $config_definition['validate'] == 'rwpath')
if (file_exists($phpbb_root_path . $cfg_array[$config_name]) && !@is_writable($phpbb_root_path . $cfg_array[$config_name]))
$error[] = sprintf($user->lang['DIRECTORY_NOT_WRITABLE'], $cfg_array[$config_name]);
* Checks whatever or not a variable is OK for use in the Database
* param mixed $value_ary An array of the form array(array('lang' => ..., 'value' => ..., 'column_type' =>))'
* param mixed $error The error array
function validate_range($value_ary, &$error)
global $user;
$column_types = array(
'BOOL' => array('php_type' => 'int', 'min' => 0, 'max' => 1),
'USINT' => array('php_type' => 'int', 'min' => 0, 'max' => 65535),
'UINT' => array('php_type' => 'int', 'min' => 0, 'max' => (int) 0x7fffffff),
'INT' => array('php_type' => 'int', 'min' => (int) 0x80000000, 'max' => (int) 0x7fffffff),
'TINT' => array('php_type' => 'int', 'min' => -128, 'max' => 127),
'VCHAR' => array('php_type' => 'string', 'min' => 0, 'max' => 255),
foreach ($value_ary as $value)
$column = explode(':', $value['column_type']);
$max = $min = 0;
$type = 0;
if (!isset($column_types[$column[0]]))
$type = $column_types[$column[0]];
switch ($type['php_type'])
case 'string' :
$max = (isset($column[1])) ? min($column[1],$type['max']) : $type['max'];
if (strlen($value['value']) > $max)
$error[] = sprintf($user->lang['SETTING_TOO_LONG'], $user->lang[$value['lang']], $max);
case 'int':
$min = (isset($column[1])) ? max($column[1],$type['min']) : $type['min'];
$max = (isset($column[2])) ? min($column[2],$type['max']) : $type['max'];
if ($value['value'] < $min)
$error[] = sprintf($user->lang['SETTING_TOO_LOW'], $user->lang[$value['lang']], $min);
else if ($value['value'] > $max)
$error[] = sprintf($user->lang['SETTING_TOO_BIG'], $user->lang[$value['lang']], $max);
Re: Board Index Problem
Hey steak, could you possibly PM me with the URL to your forums if you can please?
Board3 Portal Dev & English Tech Support
Re: Board Index Problem
I sent it to you Via PM. Ill post it here for the sake that others might need it.
Anyhelp would be very apreciated. I have spent many hours on this one problem. I dont know what i screwed up.
Anyhelp would be very apreciated. I have spent many hours on this one problem. I dont know what i screwed up.

Re: Board Index Problem
Still the same issue... But now when i click on Board index... it takes me to ACP login and there is not Portal link on that page to get back. Just a board index link. Also no Portal link on the forums. Just board index. I am very lost on what I did wrong here.
Also on another note. When I try to click on NEW TOPIC or REPLY i get this:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class bbcode_firstpass in /home/content/s/t/r/streakin/html/includes/message_parser.php on line 1023
Here is my Messange_parser.php CODE:
function bbcode_code($stx, $in)
if (!$this->check_bbcode('code', $in))
return $in;
// We remove the hardcoded elements from the code block here because it is not used in code blocks
// Having it here saves us one preg_replace per message containing');
// Which is the next block, ending code or code block
if ($pos !== false && $pos < $pos2)
// Open new block
if (!$open)
$out .= substr($in, 0, $pos);
$in = substr($in, $pos);
$stx = (isset($buffer[3])) ? $buffer[3] : '';
$code_block = '';
// Already opened block, just append to the current block
$code_block .= substr($in, 0, $pos) . ((isset($buffer[2])) ? $buffer[2] : '');
$in = substr($in, $pos);
$in = substr($in, $tag_length);
// Close the block
if ($open == 1)
$code_block .= substr($in, 0, $pos2);
$code_block = preg_replace($htm_match, $htm_replace, $code_block);
// Parse this code block
$out .= $this->bbcode_parse_code($stx, $code_block);
$code_block = '';
else if ($open)
// Close one open tag... add to the current code block
$code_block .= substr($in, 0, $pos2 + 7);
// end code without opening code... will be always outside code block
$out .= substr($in, 0, $pos2 + 7);
$in = substr($in, $pos2 + 7);
// if now $code_block has contents we need to parse the remaining code while removing the last closing tag to match up.
if ($code_block)
$code_block = substr($code_block, 0, -7);
$code_block = preg_replace($htm_match, $htm_replace, $code_block);
$out .= $this->bbcode_parse_code($stx, $code_block);
return $out;
* Parse list bbcode
* Expects the argument to start with a tag
function bbcode_parse_list($in)
if (!$this->check_bbcode('list', $in))
return $in;
// $tok holds characters to stop at. Since the string starts with a '[' we'll get everything up to the first ']' which should be the opening
if (sizeof($item_end_tags) && sizeof($item_end_tags) >= sizeof($list_end_tags))
// current li tag has not been closed
$out = preg_replace('/\n?\[$/', '[', $out) . array_pop($item_end_tags) . '][';
$out .= array_pop($list_end_tags) . ']';
$tok = '[';
else if (preg_match('#^list(=[0-9a-z]+)?$#i', $buffer, $m))
// sub-list, add a closing tag
if (empty($m[1]) || preg_match('/^=(?:disc|square|circle)$/i', $m[1]))
array_push($list_end_tags, '/list:u:' . $this->bbcode_uid);
array_push($list_end_tags, '/list
' . $this->bbcode_uid);
$out .= 'list' . substr($buffer, 4) . ':' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']';
$tok = '[';
if (($buffer == '*' || substr($buffer, -2) == '[*') && sizeof($list_end_tags))
// the buffer holds a bullet tag and we have a
Also on another note. When I try to click on NEW TOPIC or REPLY i get this:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class bbcode_firstpass in /home/content/s/t/r/streakin/html/includes/message_parser.php on line 1023
Here is my Messange_parser.php CODE:
Code: Select all
* @package phpBB3
* @version $Id: message_parser.php 9034 2008-10-24 00:49:30Z toonarmy $
* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
* @license GNU Public License
* @ignore
if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
if (!class_exists('bbcode'))
include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/bbcode.' . $phpEx);
* BBCODE first pass class (functions for parsing messages for db storage)
* @package phpBB3
class bbcode_firstpass extends bbcode
var $message = '';
var $warn_msg = array();
var $parsed_items = array();
* Parse BBCode
function parse_bbcode()
if (!$this->bbcodes)
global $user;
$this->bbcode_bitfield = '';
$bitfield = new bitfield();
foreach ($this->bbcodes as $bbcode_name => $bbcode_data)
if (isset($bbcode_data['disabled']) && $bbcode_data['disabled'])
foreach ($bbcode_data['regexp'] as $regexp => $replacement)
if (preg_match($regexp, $this->message))
$this->warn_msg[] = sprintf($user->lang['UNAUTHORISED_BBCODE'] , '[' . $bbcode_name . ']');
foreach ($bbcode_data['regexp'] as $regexp => $replacement)
// The pattern gets compiled and cached by the PCRE extension,
// it should not demand recompilation
if (preg_match($regexp, $this->message))
$this->message = preg_replace($regexp, $replacement, $this->message);
$this->bbcode_bitfield = $bitfield->get_base64();
* Prepare some bbcodes for better parsing
function prepare_bbcodes()
// Ok, seems like users instead want the no-parsing of urls, smilies, etc. after and before and within quote tags being tagged as "not a bug".
// Fine by me ;) Will ease our live... but do not come back and cry at us, we won't hear you.
/* Add newline at the end and in front of each quote block to prevent parsing errors (urls, smilies, etc.)
if (strpos($this->message, '[quote') !== false && strpos($this->message, '[/quote]') !== false)
$this->message = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $this->message);
// We strip newlines and spaces after and before quotes in quotes (trimming) and then add exactly one newline
$this->message = preg_replace('#\[quote(=".*?")?\]\s*(.*?)\s*\[/quote\]#siu', '[quote\1]' . "\n" . '\2' ."\n[/quote]", $this->message);
// Add other checks which needs to be placed before actually parsing anything (be it bbcodes, smilies, urls...)
* Init bbcode data for later parsing
function bbcode_init()
static $rowset;
// This array holds all bbcode data. BBCodes will be processed in this
// order, so it is important to keep [code] in first position and
// [quote] in second position.
$this->bbcodes = array(
'code' => array('bbcode_id' => 8, 'regexp' => array('#\[code(?:=([a-z]+))?\](.+\[/code\])#ise' => "\$this->bbcode_code('\$1', '\$2')")),
'quote' => array('bbcode_id' => 0, 'regexp' => array('#\[quote(?:="(.*?)")?\](.+)\[/quote\]#ise' => "\$this->bbcode_quote('\$0')")),
'attachment' => array('bbcode_id' => 12, 'regexp' => array('#\[attachment=([0-9]+)\](.*?)\[/attachment\]#ise' => "\$this->bbcode_attachment('\$1', '\$2')")),
'b' => array('bbcode_id' => 1, 'regexp' => array('#\[b\](.*?)\[/b\]#ise' => "\$this->bbcode_strong('\$1')")),
'i' => array('bbcode_id' => 2, 'regexp' => array('#\[i\](.*?)\[/i\]#ise' => "\$this->bbcode_italic('\$1')")),
'url' => array('bbcode_id' => 3, 'regexp' => array('#\[url(=(.*))?\](.*)\[/url\]#iUe' => "\$this->validate_url('\$2', '\$3')")),
'img' => array('bbcode_id' => 4, 'regexp' => array('#\[img\](.*)\[/img\]#iUe' => "\$this->bbcode_img('\$1')")),
'size' => array('bbcode_id' => 5, 'regexp' => array('#\[size=([\-\+]?\d+)\](.*?)\[/size\]#ise' => "\$this->bbcode_size('\$1', '\$2')")),
'color' => array('bbcode_id' => 6, 'regexp' => array('!\[color=(#[0-9a-f]{6}|[a-z\-]+)\](.*?)\[/color\]!ise' => "\$this->bbcode_color('\$1', '\$2')")),
'u' => array('bbcode_id' => 7, 'regexp' => array('#\[u\](.*?)\[/u\]#ise' => "\$this->bbcode_underline('\$1')")),
'list' => array('bbcode_id' => 9, 'regexp' => array('#\[list(?:=(?:[a-z0-9]|disc|circle|square))?].*\[/list]#ise' => "\$this->bbcode_parse_list('\$0')")),
'email' => array('bbcode_id' => 10, 'regexp' => array('#\[email=?(.*?)?\](.*?)\[/email\]#ise' => "\$this->validate_email('\$1', '\$2')")),
'flash' => array('bbcode_id' => 11, 'regexp' => array('#\[flash=([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\](.*?)\[/flash\]#ie' => "\$this->bbcode_flash('\$1', '\$2', '\$3')"))
// Zero the parsed items array
$this->parsed_items = array();
foreach ($this->bbcodes as $tag => $bbcode_data)
$this->parsed_items[$tag] = 0;
if (!is_array($rowset))
global $db;
$rowset = array();
$sql = 'SELECT *
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
$rowset[] = $row;
foreach ($rowset as $row)
$this->bbcodes[$row['bbcode_tag']] = array(
'bbcode_id' => (int) $row['bbcode_id'],
'regexp' => array($row['first_pass_match'] => str_replace('$uid', $this->bbcode_uid, $row['first_pass_replace']))
* Making some pre-checks for bbcodes as well as increasing the number of parsed items
function check_bbcode($bbcode, &$in)
// when using the /e modifier, preg_replace slashes double-quotes but does not
// seem to slash anything else
$in = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", str_replace('\"', '"', $in));
// Trimming here to make sure no empty bbcodes are parsed accidently
if (trim($in) == '')
return false;
return true;
* Transform some characters in valid bbcodes
function bbcode_specialchars($text)
$str_from = array('<', '>', '[', ']', '.', ':');
$str_to = array('<', '>', '[', ']', '.', ':');
return str_replace($str_from, $str_to, $text);
* Parse size tag
function bbcode_size($stx, $in)
global $user, $config;
if (!$this->check_bbcode('size', $in))
return $in;
if ($config['max_' . $this->mode . '_font_size'] && $config['max_' . $this->mode . '_font_size'] < $stx)
$this->warn_msg[] = sprintf($user->lang['MAX_FONT_SIZE_EXCEEDED'], $config['max_' . $this->mode . '_font_size']);
return '[size=' . $stx . ']' . $in . '[/size]';
// Do not allow size=0
if ($stx <= 0)
return '[size=' . $stx . ']' . $in . '[/size]';
return '[size=' . $stx . ':' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']' . $in . '[/size:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']';
* Parse color tag
function bbcode_color($stx, $in)
if (!$this->check_bbcode('color', $in))
return $in;
return '[color=' . $stx . ':' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']' . $in . '[/color:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']';
* Parse u tag
function bbcode_underline($in)
if (!$this->check_bbcode('u', $in))
return $in;
return '[u:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']' . $in . '[/u:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']';
* Parse b tag
function bbcode_strong($in)
if (!$this->check_bbcode('b', $in))
return $in;
return '[b:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']' . $in . '[/b:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']';
* Parse i tag
function bbcode_italic($in)
if (!$this->check_bbcode('i', $in))
return $in;
return '[i:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']' . $in . '[/i:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']';
* Parse img tag
function bbcode_img($in)
global $user, $config;
if (!$this->check_bbcode('img', $in))
return $in;
$in = trim($in);
$error = false;
$in = str_replace(' ', '%20', $in);
// Checking urls
if (!preg_match('#^' . get_preg_expression('url') . '$#i', $in) && !preg_match('#^' . get_preg_expression('www_url') . '$#i', $in))
return '[img]' . $in . '[/img]';
// Try to cope with a common user error... not specifying a protocol but only a subdomain
if (!preg_match('#^[a-z0-9]+://#i', $in))
$in = 'http://' . $in;
if ($config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_height'] || $config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_width'])
$stats = @getimagesize($in);
if ($stats === false)
$error = true;
$this->warn_msg[] = $user->lang['UNABLE_GET_IMAGE_SIZE'];
if ($config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_height'] && $config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_height'] < $stats[1])
$error = true;
$this->warn_msg[] = sprintf($user->lang['MAX_IMG_HEIGHT_EXCEEDED'], $config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_height']);
if ($config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_width'] && $config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_width'] < $stats[0])
$error = true;
$this->warn_msg[] = sprintf($user->lang['MAX_IMG_WIDTH_EXCEEDED'], $config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_width']);
if ($error || $this->path_in_domain($in))
return '[img]' . $in . '[/img]';
return '[img:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']' . $this->bbcode_specialchars($in) . '[/img:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']';
* Parse flash tag
function bbcode_flash($width, $height, $in)
global $user, $config;
if (!$this->check_bbcode('flash', $in))
return $in;
$in = trim($in);
$error = false;
// Do not allow 0-sizes generally being entered
if ($width <= 0 || $height <= 0)
return '[flash=' . $width . ',' . $height . ']' . $in . '[/flash]';
// Apply the same size checks on flash files as on images
if ($config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_height'] || $config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_width'])
if ($config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_height'] && $config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_height'] < $height)
$error = true;
$this->warn_msg[] = sprintf($user->lang['MAX_FLASH_HEIGHT_EXCEEDED'], $config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_height']);
if ($config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_width'] && $config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_width'] < $width)
$error = true;
$this->warn_msg[] = sprintf($user->lang['MAX_FLASH_WIDTH_EXCEEDED'], $config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_width']);
if ($error || $this->path_in_domain($in))
return '[flash=' . $width . ',' . $height . ']' . $in . '[/flash]';
return '[flash=' . $width . ',' . $height . ':' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']' . $this->bbcode_specialchars($in) . '[/flash:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']';
* Parse inline attachments [ia]
function bbcode_attachment($stx, $in)
if (!$this->check_bbcode('attachment', $in))
return $in;
return '[attachment=' . $stx . ':' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']<!-- ia' . $stx . ' -->' . trim($in) . '<!-- ia' . $stx . ' -->[/attachment:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']';
* Parse code text from code tag
* @access private
function bbcode_parse_code($stx, &$code)
switch (strtolower($stx))
case 'php':
$remove_tags = false;
$str_from = array('<', '>', '[', ']', '.', ':', ':');
$str_to = array('<', '>', '[', ']', '.', ':', ':');
$code = str_replace($str_from, $str_to, $code);
if (!preg_match('/\<\?.*?\?\>/is', $code))
$remove_tags = true;
$code = "<?php $code ?>";
$conf = array('', 'highlight.comment', 'highlight.default', 'highlight.html', 'highlight.keyword', 'highlight.string');
foreach ($conf as $ini_var)
@ini_set($ini_var, str_replace('highlight.', 'syntax', $ini_var));
// Because highlight_string is specialcharing the text (but we already did this before), we have to reverse this in order to get correct results
$code = htmlspecialchars_decode($code);
$code = highlight_string($code, true);
$str_from = array('<span style="color: ', '<font color="syntax', '</font>', '<code>', '</code>','[', ']', '.', ':');
$str_to = array('<span class="', '<span class="syntax', '</span>', '', '', '[', ']', '.', ':');
if ($remove_tags)
$str_from[] = '<span class="syntaxdefault"><?php </span>';
$str_to[] = '';
$str_from[] = '<span class="syntaxdefault"><?php ';
$str_to[] = '<span class="syntaxdefault">';
$code = str_replace($str_from, $str_to, $code);
$code = preg_replace('#^(<span class="[a-z_]+">)\n?(.*?)\n?(</span>)$#is', '$1$2$3', $code);
if ($remove_tags)
$code = preg_replace('#(<span class="[a-z]+">)?\?>(</span>)#', '$1 $2', $code);
$code = preg_replace('#^<span class="[a-z]+"><span class="([a-z]+)">(.*)</span></span>#s', '<span class="$1">$2</span>', $code);
$code = preg_replace('#(?:\s++| )*+</span>$#u', '</span>', $code);
// remove newline at the end
if (!empty($code) && substr($code, -1) == "\n")
$code = substr($code, 0, -1);
return "[code=$stx:" . $this->bbcode_uid . ']' . $code . '[/code:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']';
return '[code:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']' . $this->bbcode_specialchars($code) . '[/code:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']';
* Parse code tag
* Expects the argument to start right after the opening [code] tag and to end with
function bbcode_code($stx, $in)
if (!$this->check_bbcode('code', $in))
return $in;
// We remove the hardcoded elements from the code block here because it is not used in code blocks
// Having it here saves us one preg_replace per message containing
Code: Select all
// Additionally, magic url parsing should go after parsing bbcodes, but for safety those are stripped out too...
$htm_match = get_preg_expression('bbcode_htm');
unset($htm_match[4], $htm_match[5]);
$htm_replace = array('\1', '\1', '\2', '\1');
$out = $code_block = '';
$open = 1;
while ($in)
// Determine position and tag length of next code block
preg_match('#(.*?)(\[code(?:=([a-z]+))?\])(.+)#is', $in, $buffer);
$pos = (isset($buffer[1])) ? strlen($buffer[1]) : false;
$tag_length = (isset($buffer[2])) ? strlen($buffer[2]) : false;
// Determine position of ending code tag
$pos2 = stripos($in, '
// Which is the next block, ending code or code block
if ($pos !== false && $pos < $pos2)
// Open new block
if (!$open)
$out .= substr($in, 0, $pos);
$in = substr($in, $pos);
$stx = (isset($buffer[3])) ? $buffer[3] : '';
$code_block = '';
// Already opened block, just append to the current block
$code_block .= substr($in, 0, $pos) . ((isset($buffer[2])) ? $buffer[2] : '');
$in = substr($in, $pos);
$in = substr($in, $tag_length);
// Close the block
if ($open == 1)
$code_block .= substr($in, 0, $pos2);
$code_block = preg_replace($htm_match, $htm_replace, $code_block);
// Parse this code block
$out .= $this->bbcode_parse_code($stx, $code_block);
$code_block = '';
else if ($open)
// Close one open tag... add to the current code block
$code_block .= substr($in, 0, $pos2 + 7);
// end code without opening code... will be always outside code block
$out .= substr($in, 0, $pos2 + 7);
$in = substr($in, $pos2 + 7);
// if now $code_block has contents we need to parse the remaining code while removing the last closing tag to match up.
if ($code_block)
$code_block = substr($code_block, 0, -7);
$code_block = preg_replace($htm_match, $htm_replace, $code_block);
$out .= $this->bbcode_parse_code($stx, $code_block);
return $out;
* Parse list bbcode
* Expects the argument to start with a tag
function bbcode_parse_list($in)
if (!$this->check_bbcode('list', $in))
return $in;
// $tok holds characters to stop at. Since the string starts with a '[' we'll get everything up to the first ']' which should be the opening
- tag
$tok = ']';
$out = '[';
// First character is [
$in = substr($in, 1);
$list_end_tags = $item_end_tags = array();
$pos = strlen($in);
for ($i = 0, $tok_len = strlen($tok); $i < $tok_len; ++$i)
$tmp_pos = strpos($in, $tok[$i]);
if ($tmp_pos !== false && $tmp_pos < $pos)
$pos = $tmp_pos;
$buffer = substr($in, 0, $pos);
$tok = $in[$pos];
$in = substr($in, $pos + 1);
if ($tok == ']')
// if $tok is ']' the buffer holds a tag
if (strtolower($buffer) == '/list' && sizeof($list_end_tags))
// valid
if (sizeof($item_end_tags) && sizeof($item_end_tags) >= sizeof($list_end_tags))
// current li tag has not been closed
$out = preg_replace('/\n?\[$/', '[', $out) . array_pop($item_end_tags) . '][';
$out .= array_pop($list_end_tags) . ']';
$tok = '[';
else if (preg_match('#^list(=[0-9a-z]+)?$#i', $buffer, $m))
// sub-list, add a closing tag
if (empty($m[1]) || preg_match('/^=(?:disc|square|circle)$/i', $m[1]))
array_push($list_end_tags, '/list:u:' . $this->bbcode_uid);
array_push($list_end_tags, '/list
$out .= 'list' . substr($buffer, 4) . ':' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']';
$tok = '[';
if (($buffer == '*' || substr($buffer, -2) == '[*') && sizeof($list_end_tags))
// the buffer holds a bullet tag and we have a
- tag open
if (sizeof($item_end_tags) >= sizeof($list_end_tags))
if (substr($buffer, -2) == '[*')
$out .= substr($buffer, 0, -2) . '[';
// current li tag has not been closed
if (preg_match('/\n\[$/', $out, $m))
$out = preg_replace('/\n\[$/', '[', $out);
$buffer = array_pop($item_end_tags) . "]\n[*:" . $this->bbcode_uid;
$buffer = array_pop($item_end_tags) . '][*:' . $this->bbcode_uid;
$buffer = '*:' . $this->bbcode_uid;
$item_end_tags[] = '/*' . $this->bbcode_uid;
else if ($buffer == '/*')
$buffer = '/*:' . $this->bbcode_uid;
$out .= $buffer . $tok;
$tok = '[]';
// Not within a tag, just add buffer to the return string
$out .= $buffer . $tok;
$tok = ($tok == '[') ? ']' : '[]';
while ($in);
// do we have some tags open? close them now
if (sizeof($item_end_tags))
$out .= '[' . implode('][', $item_end_tags) . ']';
if (sizeof($list_end_tags))
$out .= '[' . implode('][', $list_end_tags) . ']';
return $out;
* Parse quote bbcode
* Expects the argument to start with a tag
function bbcode_quote($in)
global $config, $user;
* If you change this code, make sure the cases described within the following reports are still working:
* #3572 - [quote="[test]test"]test [ test[/quote] - (correct: parsed)
* #14667 - [quote]test[/quote] test ] and [ test [quote]test[/quote] (correct: parsed)
* #14770 - [quote="["]test[/quote] (correct: parsed)
* [quote="test"]test[/quote] (correct: parsed)
* [quote="[quote]test[/quote]"]test[/quote] (correct: parsed - Username displayed as [quote]test[/quote])
* #20735 - [quote]test[/[/b]quote] test [/quote][/quote] test - (correct: quoted: "test[/[/b]quote] test" / non-quoted: "[/quote] test" - also failed if layout distorted)
$in = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", str_replace('\"', '"', trim($in)));
if (!$in)
return '';
// To let the parser not catch tokens within quote_username quotes we encode them before we start this...
$in = preg_replace('#quote="(.*?)"\]#ie', "'quote="' . str_replace(array('[', ']'), array('[', ']'), '\$1') . '"]'", $in);
$tok = ']';
$out = '[';
$in = substr($in, 1);
$close_tags = $error_ary = array();
$buffer = '';
$pos = strlen($in);
for ($i = 0, $tok_len = strlen($tok); $i < $tok_len; ++$i)
$tmp_pos = strpos($in, $tok[$i]);
if ($tmp_pos !== false && $tmp_pos < $pos)
$pos = $tmp_pos;
$buffer .= substr($in, 0, $pos);
$tok = $in[$pos];
$in = substr($in, $pos + 1);
if ($tok == ']')
if (strtolower($buffer) == '/quote' && sizeof($close_tags) && substr($out, -1, 1) == '[')
// we have found a closing tag
$out .= array_pop($close_tags) . ']';
$tok = '[';
$buffer = '';
/* Add space at the end of the closing tag if not happened before to allow following urls/smilies to be parsed correctly
* Do not try to think for the user. :/ Do not parse urls/smilies if there is no space - is the same as with other bbcodes too.
* Also, we won't have any spaces within $in anyway, only adding up spaces -> #10982
if (!$in || $in[0] !== ' ')
$out .= ' ';
else if (preg_match('#^quote(?:="(.*?)")?$#is', $buffer, $m) && substr($out, -1, 1) == '[')
// the buffer holds a valid opening tag
if ($config['max_quote_depth'] && sizeof($close_tags) >= $config['max_quote_depth'])
// there are too many nested quotes
$error_ary['quote_depth'] = sprintf($user->lang['QUOTE_DEPTH_EXCEEDED'], $config['max_quote_depth']);
$out .= $buffer . $tok;
$tok = '[]';
$buffer = '';
array_push($close_tags, '/quote:' . $this->bbcode_uid);
if (isset($m[1]) && $m[1])
$username = str_replace(array('[', ']'), array('[', ']'), $m[1]);
$username = preg_replace('#\[(?!b|i|u|color|url|email|/b|/i|/u|/color|/url|/email)#iU', '[$1', $username);
$end_tags = array();
$error = false;
preg_match_all('#\[((?:/)?(?:[a-z]+))#i', $username, $tags);
foreach ($tags[1] as $tag)
if ($tag[0] != '/')
$end_tags[] = '/' . $tag;
$end_tag = array_pop($end_tags);
$error = ($end_tag != $tag) ? true : false;
if ($error)
$username = $m[1];
$out .= 'quote="' . $username . '":' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']';
$out .= 'quote:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']';
$tok = '[';
$buffer = '';
else if (preg_match('#^quote="(.*?)#is', $buffer, $m))
// the buffer holds an invalid opening tag
$buffer .= ']';
$out .= $buffer . $tok;
$tok = '[]';
$buffer = '';
* Old quote code working fine, but having errors listed in bug #3572
* $out .= $buffer . $tok;
* $tok = ($tok == '[') ? ']' : '[]';
* $buffer = '';
$out .= $buffer . $tok;
if ($tok == '[')
// Search the text for the next tok... if an ending quote comes first, then change tok to []
$pos1 = stripos($in, '[/quote');
// If the token ] comes first, we change it to ]
$pos2 = strpos($in, ']');
// If the token [ comes first, we change it to [
$pos3 = strpos($in, '[');
if ($pos1 !== false && ($pos2 === false || $pos1 < $pos2) && ($pos3 === false || $pos1 < $pos3))
$tok = '[]';
else if ($pos3 !== false && ($pos2 === false || $pos3 < $pos2))
$tok = '[';
$tok = ']';
$tok = '[]';
$buffer = '';
while ($in);
if (sizeof($close_tags))
$out .= '[' . implode('][', $close_tags) . ']';
foreach ($error_ary as $error_msg)
$this->warn_msg[] = $error_msg;
return $out;
* Validate email
function validate_email($var1, $var2)
$var1 = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", str_replace('\"', '"', trim($var1)));
$var2 = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", str_replace('\"', '"', trim($var2)));
$txt = $var2;
$email = ($var1) ? $var1 : $var2;
$validated = true;
if (!preg_match('/^' . get_preg_expression('email') . '$/i', $email))
$validated = false;
if (!$validated)
return '[email' . (($var1) ? "=$var1" : '') . ']' . $var2 . '[/email]';
if ($var1)
$retval = '[email=' . $this->bbcode_specialchars($email) . ':' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']' . $txt . '[/email:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']';
$retval = '[email:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']' . $this->bbcode_specialchars($email) . '[/email:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']';
return $retval;
* Validate url
* @param string $var1 optional url parameter for url bbcode: [url(=$var1)]$var2[/url]
* @param string $var2 url bbcode content: [url(=$var1)]$var2[/url]
function validate_url($var1, $var2)
global $config;
$var1 = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", str_replace('\"', '"', trim($var1)));
$var2 = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", str_replace('\"', '"', trim($var2)));
$url = ($var1) ? $var1 : $var2;
if ($var1 && !$var2)
$var2 = $var1;
if (!$url)
return '[url' . (($var1) ? '=' . $var1 : '') . ']' . $var2 . '[/url]';
$valid = false;
$url = str_replace(' ', '%20', $url);
// Checking urls
if (preg_match('#^' . get_preg_expression('url') . '$#i', $url) ||
preg_match('#^' . get_preg_expression('www_url') . '$#i', $url) ||
preg_match('#^' . preg_quote(generate_board_url(), '#') . get_preg_expression('relative_url') . '$#i', $url))
$valid = true;
if ($valid)
// if there is no scheme, then add http schema
if (!preg_match('#^[a-z][a-z\d+\-.]*:/{2}#i', $url))
$url = 'http://' . $url;
// Is this a link to somewhere inside this board? If so then remove the session id from the url
if (strpos($url, generate_board_url()) !== false && strpos($url, 'sid=') !== false)
$url = preg_replace('/(&|\?)sid=[0-9a-f]{32}&/', '\1', $url);
$url = preg_replace('/(&|\?)sid=[0-9a-f]{32}$/', '', $url);
$url = append_sid($url);
return ($var1) ? '[url=' . $this->bbcode_specialchars($url) . ':' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']' . $var2 . '[/url:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']' : '[url:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']' . $this->bbcode_specialchars($url) . '[/url:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']';
return '[url' . (($var1) ? '=' . $var1 : '') . ']' . $var2 . '[/url]';
* Check if url is pointing to this domain/script_path/php-file
* @param string $url the url to check
* @return true if the url is pointing to this domain/script_path/php-file, false if not
* @access private
function path_in_domain($url)
global $config, $phpEx, $user;
if ($config['force_server_vars'])
$check_path = $config['script_path'];
$check_path = ($user->page['root_script_path'] != '/') ? substr($user->page['root_script_path'], 0, -1) : '/';
// Is the user trying to link to a php file in this domain and script path?
if (strpos($url, ".{$phpEx}") !== false && strpos($url, $check_path) !== false)
$server_name = $user->host;
// Forcing server vars is the only way to specify/override the protocol
if ($config['force_server_vars'] || !$server_name)
$server_name = $config['server_name'];
// Check again in correct order...
$pos_ext = strpos($url, ".{$phpEx}");
$pos_path = strpos($url, $check_path);
$pos_domain = strpos($url, $server_name);
if ($pos_domain !== false && $pos_path >= $pos_domain && $pos_ext >= $pos_path)
// Ok, actually we allow linking to some files (this may be able to be extended in some way later...)
if (strpos($url, '/' . $check_path . '/download/file.' . $phpEx) !== 0)
return false;
return true;
return false;
* Main message parser for posting, pm, etc. takes raw message
* and parses it for attachments, bbcode and smilies
* @package phpBB3
class parse_message extends bbcode_firstpass
var $attachment_data = array();
var $filename_data = array();
// Helps ironing out user error
var $message_status = '';
var $allow_img_bbcode = true;
var $allow_flash_bbcode = true;
var $allow_quote_bbcode = true;
var $allow_url_bbcode = true;
var $mode;
* Init - give message here or manually
function parse_message($message = '')
// Init BBCode UID
$this->bbcode_uid = substr(base_convert(unique_id(), 16, 36), 0, BBCODE_UID_LEN);
if ($message)
$this->message = $message;
* Parse Message
function parse($allow_bbcode, $allow_magic_url, $allow_smilies, $allow_img_bbcode = true, $allow_flash_bbcode = true, $allow_quote_bbcode = true, $allow_url_bbcode = true, $update_this_message = true, $mode = 'post')
global $config, $db, $user;
$mode = ($mode != 'post') ? 'sig' : 'post';
$this->mode = $mode;
$this->allow_img_bbcode = $allow_img_bbcode;
$this->allow_flash_bbcode = $allow_flash_bbcode;
$this->allow_quote_bbcode = $allow_quote_bbcode;
$this->allow_url_bbcode = $allow_url_bbcode;
// If false, then $this->message won't be altered, the text will be returned instead.
if (!$update_this_message)
$tmp_message = $this->message;
$return_message = &$this->message;
if ($this->message_status == 'display')
// Do some general 'cleanup' first before processing message,
// e.g. remove excessive newlines(?), smilies(?)
$match = array('#(script|about|applet|activex|chrome):#i');
$replace = array("\\1:");
$this->message = preg_replace($match, $replace, trim($this->message));
// Message length check. 0 disables this check completely.
if ($config['max_' . $mode . '_chars'] > 0)
$msg_len = ($mode == 'post') ? utf8_strlen($this->message) : utf8_strlen(preg_replace('#\[\/?[a-z\*\+\-]+(=[\S]+)?\]#ius', ' ', $this->message));
if ((!$msg_len && $mode !== 'sig') || $config['max_' . $mode . '_chars'] && $msg_len > $config['max_' . $mode . '_chars'])
$this->warn_msg[] = (!$msg_len) ? $user->lang['TOO_FEW_CHARS'] : sprintf($user->lang['TOO_MANY_CHARS_' . strtoupper($mode)], $msg_len, $config['max_' . $mode . '_chars']);
return (!$update_this_message) ? $return_message : $this->warn_msg;
// Check for "empty" message
if ($mode !== 'sig' && utf8_clean_string($this->message) === '')
$this->warn_msg[] = $user->lang['TOO_FEW_CHARS'];
return (!$update_this_message) ? $return_message : $this->warn_msg;
// Prepare BBcode (just prepares some tags for better parsing)
if ($allow_bbcode && strpos($this->message, '[') !== false)
$disallow = array('img', 'flash', 'quote', 'url');
foreach ($disallow as $bool)
if (!${'allow_' . $bool . '_bbcode'})
$this->bbcodes[$bool]['disabled'] = true;
// Parse smilies
if ($allow_smilies)
$this->smilies($config['max_' . $mode . '_smilies']);
$num_urls = 0;
// Parse BBCode
if ($allow_bbcode && strpos($this->message, '[') !== false)
$num_urls += $this->parsed_items['url'];
// Parse URL's
if ($allow_magic_url)
if ($config['max_' . $mode . '_urls'])
$num_urls += preg_match_all('#\<!-- ([lmwe]) --\>.*?\<!-- \1 --\>#', $this->message, $matches);
// Check number of links
if ($config['max_' . $mode . '_urls'] && $num_urls > $config['max_' . $mode . '_urls'])
$this->warn_msg[] = sprintf($user->lang['TOO_MANY_URLS'], $config['max_' . $mode . '_urls']);
return (!$update_this_message) ? $return_message : $this->warn_msg;
if (!$update_this_message)
$this->message = $tmp_message;
return $return_message;
$this->message_status = 'parsed';
return false;
* Formatting text for display
function format_display($allow_bbcode, $allow_magic_url, $allow_smilies, $update_this_message = true)
// If false, then the parsed message get returned but internal message not processed.
if (!$update_this_message)
$tmp_message = $this->message;
$return_message = &$this->message;
if ($this->message_status == 'plain')
// Force updating message - of course.
$this->parse($allow_bbcode, $allow_magic_url, $allow_smilies, $this->allow_img_bbcode, $this->allow_flash_bbcode, $this->allow_quote_bbcode, $this->allow_url_bbcode, true);
// Replace naughty words such as farty pants
$this->message = censor_text($this->message);
// Parse BBcode
if ($allow_bbcode)
// We are giving those parameters to be able to use the bbcode class on its own
$this->bbcode_second_pass($this->message, $this->bbcode_uid);
$this->message = bbcode_nl2br($this->message);
$this->message = smiley_text($this->message, !$allow_smilies);
if (!$update_this_message)
$this->message = $tmp_message;
return $return_message;
$this->message_status = 'display';
return false;
* Decode message to be placed back into form box
function decode_message($custom_bbcode_uid = '', $update_this_message = true)
// If false, then the parsed message get returned but internal message not processed.
if (!$update_this_message)
$tmp_message = $this->message;
$return_message = &$this->message;
($custom_bbcode_uid) ? decode_message($this->message, $custom_bbcode_uid) : decode_message($this->message, $this->bbcode_uid);
if (!$update_this_message)
$this->message = $tmp_message;
return $return_message;
$this->message_status = 'plain';
return false;
* Replace magic urls of form, and
* Cuts down displayed size of link if over 50 chars, turns absolute links
* into relative versions when the server/script path matches the link
function magic_url($server_url)
// We use the global make_clickable function
$this->message = make_clickable($this->message, $server_url);
* Parse Smilies
function smilies($max_smilies = 0)
global $db, $user;
static $match;
static $replace;
// See if the static arrays have already been filled on an earlier invocation
if (!is_array($match))
$match = $replace = array();
// NOTE: obtain_* function? chaching the table contents?
// For now setting the ttl to 10 minutes
switch ($db->sql_layer)
case 'mssql':
case 'mssql_odbc':
$sql = 'SELECT *
case 'firebird':
$sql = 'SELECT *
// LENGTH supported by MySQL, IBM DB2, Oracle and Access for sure...
$sql = 'SELECT *
$result = $db->sql_query($sql, 600);
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
if (empty($row['code']))
// (assertion)
$match[] = '(?<=^|[\n .])' . preg_quote($row['code'], '#') . '(?![^<>]*>)';
$replace[] = '<!-- s' . $row['code'] . ' --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/' . $row['smiley_url'] . '" alt="' . $row['code'] . '" title="' . $row['emotion'] . '" /><!-- s' . $row['code'] . ' -->';
if (sizeof($match))
if ($max_smilies)
$num_matches = preg_match_all('#' . implode('|', $match) . '#', $this->message, $matches);
if ($num_matches !== false && $num_matches > $max_smilies)
$this->warn_msg[] = sprintf($user->lang['TOO_MANY_SMILIES'], $max_smilies);
// Make sure the delimiter # is added in front and at the end of every element within $match
$this->message = trim(preg_replace(explode(chr(0), '#' . implode('#' . chr(0) . '#', $match) . '#'), $replace, $this->message));
* Parse Attachments
function parse_attachments($form_name, $mode, $forum_id, $submit, $preview, $refresh, $is_message = false)
global $config, $auth, $user, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $db;
$error = array();
$num_attachments = sizeof($this->attachment_data);
$this->filename_data['filecomment'] = utf8_normalize_nfc(request_var('filecomment', '', true));
$upload_file = (isset($_FILES[$form_name]) && $_FILES[$form_name]['name'] != 'none' && trim($_FILES[$form_name]['name'])) ? true : false;
$add_file = (isset($_POST['add_file'])) ? true : false;
$delete_file = (isset($_POST['delete_file'])) ? true : false;
// First of all adjust comments if changed
$actual_comment_list = utf8_normalize_nfc(request_var('comment_list', array(''), true));
foreach ($actual_comment_list as $comment_key => $comment)
if (!isset($this->attachment_data[$comment_key]))
if ($this->attachment_data[$comment_key]['attach_comment'] != $actual_comment_list[$comment_key])
$this->attachment_data[$comment_key]['attach_comment'] = $actual_comment_list[$comment_key];
$cfg = array();
$cfg['max_attachments'] = ($is_message) ? $config['max_attachments_pm'] : $config['max_attachments'];
$forum_id = ($is_message) ? 0 : $forum_id;
if ($submit && in_array($mode, array('post', 'reply', 'quote', 'edit')) && $upload_file)
if ($num_attachments < $cfg['max_attachments'] || $auth->acl_get('a_') || $auth->acl_get('m_', $forum_id))
$filedata = upload_attachment($form_name, $forum_id, false, '', $is_message);
$error = $filedata['error'];
if ($filedata['post_attach'] && !sizeof($error))
$sql_ary = array(
'physical_filename' => $filedata['physical_filename'],
'attach_comment' => $this->filename_data['filecomment'],
'real_filename' => $filedata['real_filename'],
'extension' => $filedata['extension'],
'mimetype' => $filedata['mimetype'],
'filesize' => $filedata['filesize'],
'filetime' => $filedata['filetime'],
'thumbnail' => $filedata['thumbnail'],
'is_orphan' => 1,
'in_message' => ($is_message) ? 1 : 0,
'poster_id' => $user->data['user_id'],
$db->sql_query('INSERT INTO ' . ATTACHMENTS_TABLE . ' ' . $db->sql_build_array('INSERT', $sql_ary));
$new_entry = array(
'attach_id' => $db->sql_nextid(),
'is_orphan' => 1,
'real_filename' => $filedata['real_filename'],
'attach_comment'=> $this->filename_data['filecomment'],
$this->attachment_data = array_merge(array(0 => $new_entry), $this->attachment_data);
$this->message = preg_replace('#\[attachment=([0-9]+)\](.*?)\[\/attachment\]#e', "'[attachment='.(\\1 + 1).']\\2[/attachment]'", $this->message);
$this->filename_data['filecomment'] = '';
// This Variable is set to false here, because Attachments are entered into the
// Database in two modes, one if the id_list is 0 and the second one if post_attach is true
// Since post_attach is automatically switched to true if an Attachment got added to the filesystem,
// but we are assigning an id of 0 here, we have to reset the post_attach variable to false.
// This is very relevant, because it could happen that the post got not submitted, but we do not
// know this circumstance here. We could be at the posting page or we could be redirected to the entered
// post.
$filedata['post_attach'] = false;
$error[] = sprintf($user->lang['TOO_MANY_ATTACHMENTS'], $cfg['max_attachments']);
if ($preview || $refresh || sizeof($error))
// Perform actions on temporary attachments
if ($delete_file)
include_once($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_admin.' . $phpEx);
$index = array_keys(request_var('delete_file', array(0 => 0)));
$index = (!empty($index)) ? $index[0] : false;
if ($index !== false && !empty($this->attachment_data[$index]))
// delete selected attachment
if ($this->attachment_data[$index]['is_orphan'])
$sql = 'SELECT attach_id, physical_filename, thumbnail
WHERE attach_id = ' . (int) $this->attachment_data[$index]['attach_id'] . '
AND is_orphan = 1
AND poster_id = ' . $user->data['user_id'];
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
if ($row)
phpbb_unlink($row['physical_filename'], 'file');
if ($row['thumbnail'])
phpbb_unlink($row['physical_filename'], 'thumbnail');
$db->sql_query('DELETE FROM ' . ATTACHMENTS_TABLE . ' WHERE attach_id = ' . (int) $this->attachment_data[$index]['attach_id']);
delete_attachments('attach', array(intval($this->attachment_data[$index]['attach_id'])));
$this->message = preg_replace('#\[attachment=([0-9]+)\](.*?)\[\/attachment\]#e', "(\\1 == \$index) ? '' : ((\\1 > \$index) ? '[attachment=' . (\\1 - 1) . ']\\2[/attachment]' : '\\0')", $this->message);
// Reindex Array
$this->attachment_data = array_values($this->attachment_data);
else if (($add_file || $preview) && $upload_file)
if ($num_attachments < $cfg['max_attachments'] || $auth->acl_gets('m_', 'a_', $forum_id))
$filedata = upload_attachment($form_name, $forum_id, false, '', $is_message);
$error = array_merge($error, $filedata['error']);
if (!sizeof($error))
$sql_ary = array(
'physical_filename' => $filedata['physical_filename'],
'attach_comment' => $this->filename_data['filecomment'],
'real_filename' => $filedata['real_filename'],
'extension' => $filedata['extension'],
'mimetype' => $filedata['mimetype'],
'filesize' => $filedata['filesize'],
'filetime' => $filedata['filetime'],
'thumbnail' => $filedata['thumbnail'],
'is_orphan' => 1,
'in_message' => ($is_message) ? 1 : 0,
'poster_id' => $user->data['user_id'],
$db->sql_query('INSERT INTO ' . ATTACHMENTS_TABLE . ' ' . $db->sql_build_array('INSERT', $sql_ary));
$new_entry = array(
'attach_id' => $db->sql_nextid(),
'is_orphan' => 1,
'real_filename' => $filedata['real_filename'],
'attach_comment'=> $this->filename_data['filecomment'],
$this->attachment_data = array_merge(array(0 => $new_entry), $this->attachment_data);
$this->message = preg_replace('#\[attachment=([0-9]+)\](.*?)\[\/attachment\]#e', "'[attachment='.(\\1 + 1).']\\2[/attachment]'", $this->message);
$this->filename_data['filecomment'] = '';
$error[] = sprintf($user->lang['TOO_MANY_ATTACHMENTS'], $cfg['max_attachments']);
foreach ($error as $error_msg)
$this->warn_msg[] = $error_msg;
* Get Attachment Data
function get_submitted_attachment_data($check_user_id = false)
global $user, $db, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $config;
$this->filename_data['filecomment'] = utf8_normalize_nfc(request_var('filecomment', '', true));
$attachment_data = (isset($_POST['attachment_data'])) ? $_POST['attachment_data'] : array();
$this->attachment_data = array();
$check_user_id = ($check_user_id === false) ? $user->data['user_id'] : $check_user_id;
if (!sizeof($attachment_data))
$not_orphan = $orphan = array();
foreach ($attachment_data as $pos => $var_ary)
if ($var_ary['is_orphan'])
$orphan[(int) $var_ary['attach_id']] = $pos;
$not_orphan[(int) $var_ary['attach_id']] = $pos;
// Regenerate already posted attachments
if (sizeof($not_orphan))
// Get the attachment data, based on the poster id...
$sql = 'SELECT attach_id, is_orphan, real_filename, attach_comment
WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('attach_id', array_keys($not_orphan)) . '
AND poster_id = ' . $check_user_id;
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
$pos = $not_orphan[$row['attach_id']];
$this->attachment_data[$pos] = $row;
set_var($this->attachment_data[$pos]['attach_comment'], $_POST['attachment_data'][$pos]['attach_comment'], 'string', true);
if (sizeof($not_orphan))
// Regenerate newly uploaded attachments
if (sizeof($orphan))
$sql = 'SELECT attach_id, is_orphan, real_filename, attach_comment
WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('attach_id', array_keys($orphan)) . '
AND poster_id = ' . $user->data['user_id'] . '
AND is_orphan = 1';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
$pos = $orphan[$row['attach_id']];
$this->attachment_data[$pos] = $row;
set_var($this->attachment_data[$pos]['attach_comment'], $_POST['attachment_data'][$pos]['attach_comment'], 'string', true);
if (sizeof($orphan))
* Parse Poll
function parse_poll(&$poll)
global $auth, $user, $config;
$poll_max_options = $poll['poll_max_options'];
// Parse Poll Option text
$tmp_message = $this->message;
$this->message = $poll['poll_option_text'];
$bbcode_bitfield = $this->bbcode_bitfield;
$poll['poll_option_text'] = $this->parse($poll['enable_bbcode'], ($config['allow_post_links']) ? $poll['enable_urls'] : false, $poll['enable_smilies'], $poll['img_status'], false, false, $config['allow_post_links'], false);
$bbcode_bitfield = base64_encode(base64_decode($bbcode_bitfield) | base64_decode($this->bbcode_bitfield));
$this->message = $tmp_message;
// Parse Poll Title
$tmp_message = $this->message;
$this->message = $poll['poll_title'];
$this->bbcode_bitfield = $bbcode_bitfield;
$poll['poll_options'] = explode("\n", trim($poll['poll_option_text']));
$poll['poll_options_size'] = sizeof($poll['poll_options']);
if (!$poll['poll_title'] && $poll['poll_options_size'])
$this->warn_msg[] = $user->lang['NO_POLL_TITLE'];
if (utf8_strlen(preg_replace('#\[\/?[a-z\*\+\-]+(=[\S]+)?\]#ius', ' ', $this->message)) > 100)
$this->warn_msg[] = $user->lang['POLL_TITLE_TOO_LONG'];
$poll['poll_title'] = $this->parse($poll['enable_bbcode'], ($config['allow_post_links']) ? $poll['enable_urls'] : false, $poll['enable_smilies'], $poll['img_status'], false, false, $config['allow_post_links'], false);
if (strlen($poll['poll_title']) > 255)
$this->warn_msg[] = $user->lang['POLL_TITLE_COMP_TOO_LONG'];
$this->bbcode_bitfield = base64_encode(base64_decode($bbcode_bitfield) | base64_decode($this->bbcode_bitfield));
$this->message = $tmp_message;
if (sizeof($poll['poll_options']) == 1)
$this->warn_msg[] = $user->lang['TOO_FEW_POLL_OPTIONS'];
else if ($poll['poll_options_size'] > (int) $config['max_poll_options'])
$this->warn_msg[] = $user->lang['TOO_MANY_POLL_OPTIONS'];
else if ($poll_max_options > $poll['poll_options_size'])
$this->warn_msg[] = $user->lang['TOO_MANY_USER_OPTIONS'];
$poll['poll_max_options'] = ($poll['poll_max_options'] < 1) ? 1 : (($poll['poll_max_options'] > $config['max_poll_options']) ? $config['max_poll_options'] : $poll['poll_max_options']);
Thank you for all the support you have given to me. Its VERY apreciated.
Re: Board Index Problem
I cant help you much with your problem, but if i see your Menu and the source of your Borad, i think its better you get the latest version of B3P as first 
No Wonder why you have such Problems if you use such an outdadet Version...

No Wonder why you have such Problems if you use such an outdadet Version...
kein Support per PN / Messenger
no Support via PM / Messenger
no Support via PM / Messenger