Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Advanced Knowledge
What have you done before the problem was there?
What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
variuos bits of code
Description and Message
Hia, and firstly, thanks for a wonderful portal.
I have done a thorough search but not found an answer, so forgive me if this has been asked before. Also, seeing as this question is related to the portal, I do not feel it is a general phpBB support question.
What I'd like is for guests not to have any access to any pages except the portal and a special 'about us' page I have written. For example, If they try to view index.php or ucp.php, they get automatically redirected to the portal page (rather than the login script - I only want people to login on the portal page). If they want to view the 'about us' page, then that's ok, no redirect to portal.
Update: Problem Resolved
Well, through trial and error (I don't know php code that well), I've found the following works:
Code: Select all
if ($user->data['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS)