Resize announcements attachments and random announcements

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Resize announcements attachments and random announcements

Post by Twizted »

Ok, I started this in another thread but I am posting this in a new thread with a proper title as well as another question.

First of all I am needing to know how to resize the attachments in the announcements block without effecting the rest of the forums attachments.

The second thing I need to know how to do is grab random announcements instead of getting them in order.

Any information you can give me about this would be greatly appreciated.

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Joined: 25. March 2009 20:37

Re: Resize announcements attachments and random announcements

Post by Twizted »

Ugh... Managed to get the randomization working....

Code: Select all

		case "announcements":

			$topic_type = '(( t.topic_type = ' . POST_ANNOUNCE . ') OR ( t.topic_type = ' . POST_GLOBAL . '))';
			$str_where = ( strlen($str_where) > 0 ) ? 'AND (t.forum_id = 0 OR (' . trim(substr($str_where, 0, -4)) . '))' : '';
			$user_link = 't.topic_poster = u.user_id';
			$post_link = 't.topic_first_post_id = p.post_id';
			$topic_order = 't.topic_time DESC';


Code: Select all

$topic_order = 't.topic_time DESC';
And changed it to

Code: Select all

$topic_order = 'RAND()';
Would still like a solution for resizing the attachments for announcements only so it does not have to effect the rest of the forums.... Thanks
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