CVS Checkins - Februar 2006

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CVS Checkins - Februar 2006

Post by Kevin »

Was tut sich bei der Entwicklung von Olympus?

Um immer mitzubekommen woran gerade bei Olympus gearbeitet wird, kann man sich in die Phpbb-checkins Mailingliste eintragen.

Diese Mails dokumentieren die Änderungen der Entwickler an den Dateien.

Hier nun eine Liste mit den Beschreibungstexten der Checkinmails für Olympus im Februar 2006 (die Checkins für phpBB 2.0.x werden nicht berücksichtigt). Zur Zeit tut sich erfreulicherweise einiges. Die Codeänderungen in den verschiedenen Dateien werden hier nicht einzeln aufgeführt. Das Mailarchiv findet man hier.
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 01.02.06
    Entwickler: Bart van Bragt

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    Inconsistent password length
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 02.02.06
    Entwickler: Tom Beddard

    Modified Files:
    overall_footer.html simple_header.html memberlist_im.html

    Log Message:
    updated the simple header styling & footers
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 02.02.06
    Entwickler: Tom Beddard

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    Fixed layout in IE7. Still some fieldset legend issues remaining, but will get fixed once the browser becomes more stable.
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 03.02.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    - fix bug in getting memberships (now memberships are obtained for groups)
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 03.02.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:
    auth.php functions_admin.php functions_module.php
    acp_users.html overall_header.html auth_db.php
    common.php acp_users.php

    Log Message:
    - ability to change anonymous user settings more easily
    - fix serious bugs in permissions (always allowing if permissions explicitly set and getting wrong permission options from bitfield)
    - added option for returning an array to make_forum_select
    - again fixing bugs in module system (one for a very query consuming part and one for correctly filling the cache)
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 04.02.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:
    ucp_confirm.php ucp_register.php

    Log Message:
    - This is some scary stuff!
    The PNG spec allows for only one method of compression inside of IDAT chunks: inflate/deflate (Zlib). However, Zlib lets us do some crazy things as long as we make it happy by giving it an Adler hash and spawning some other needed data thus emulating a part of the Zlib spec :-) I just hope this works as I think it does :P
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 04.02.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    - Tar extraction and compression has changed to be more efficent by making fewer read/write commands.
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 05.02.06
    Entwickler: Tom Beddard

    Modified Files:
    posting.php memberlist.php ucp_groups.php ucp_pm_compose.php ucp_profile.php acp_users.php

    Log Message:
    Changed url target method for BBcode help links and fixed undefined index bug
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 05.02.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:
    firebird_schema.sql mssql_schema.sql mysql_schema.sql
    oracle_schema.sql postgres_schema.sql sqlite_schema.sql

    Log Message:
    - Please don't hurt me :p
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 05.02.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    - Removes those silly errors during email check.
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 05.02.06
    Entwickler: Nils Adermann

    Modified Files:
    mcp.php viewtopic.php functions_admin.php
    mcp_forum.php mcp_front.php mcp_main.php mcp_post.php
    mcp_topic.php common.php mcp.php
    common.php mcp.php

    Log Message:
    - removed unnecessary urlencode of highlight words
    various mcp_main updates:
    - generally make all the tools work again (mode/action changes)
    - tidy up urls
    - restructured quickmod code to use actions (we don't want too many module entries)
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 05.02.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    - fix "Adding attachment extension fails"
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 05.02.06
    Entwickler: GrahamJE

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    "was this used ever?" No, so off it goes to be recycled into something new... :P
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 06.02.06
    Entwickler: Tom Beddard

    Modified Files:
    mcp_notes.php mcp_warn.php

    Log Message:
    Little MCP bug fixes
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 07.02.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    - fix typo... thanks tom. :)
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 08.02.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    - A bug fix ( never noticed that the unset() touched the wrong var ) and a few minor (super minor) speed improvements
    + When from post inc to pre inc because pre is SLIGHTLY faster
    + The [] operations are very slow, it is easy enough to feed the array an index to insert at
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 08.02.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:
    ucp_register.php ucp_register.html

    Log Message:
    /me shoots himself

    - Finally fixed that *@&$ bug!
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 09.02.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    - It turns out that a very fast Adler-32 implementation exists, this removes the bulk of my runtime fears and allows me to make the script a little more readable.
    - Found a neat way to express the size of the image computationally instead of counting the length
    - Removed pointless iteration variables, they removed readability
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 10.02.06
    Entwickler: Tom Beddard

    Modified Files:
    common.php posting.php

    Log Message:
    Moved topic_review string into the common so it is available for the MCP
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 11.02.06

    Entwickler: David
    Modified Files:
    acp_styles.php functions.php styles.php imageset.cfg
    acp_styles.html overall_header.html schema_data.sql

    Removed Files:

    Added Files:

    Log Message:
    - A MUCH better UI to editting an imageset :-)
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 12.02.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    - new acl method -> acl_getf_global()
    usage example: acl_getf_global('m_approve'); returns true if user has m_approve permission in one or more forums, else false
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 12.02.06
    Entwickler: Nils Adermann

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    tiny fix so the board won't throw an error if it doesn't have any forums
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 12.02.06
    Entwickler: Nils Adermann

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    - make acl_getf_global() availible to module auth checks
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 12.02.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    - The working directory can't be trusted, we give the path explictly instead
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 12.02.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    - only a slight change...
    - re-set forum_style too
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 12.02.06
    Entwickler: Nils Adermann

    Modified Files:
    search.php search_body.html

    Log Message:
    - new default result mode: posts
    - make use of f_search permission
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 12.02.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:
    index.php dbal.php common.php
    auth.php constants.php functions.php functions_admin.php
    functions_user.php acp_attachments.html acp_groups.html acp_logs.html
    acp_main.html acp_users.html admin.css overall_header.html
    acp_bots.php acp_forums.php acp_groups.php acp_jabber.php
    acp_language.php acp_logs.php acp_main.php acp_php_info.php
    acp_profile.php acp_users.php
    firebird_schema.sql mssql_schema.sql mysql_schema.sql
    oracle_schema.sql postgres_schema.sql schema_data.sql

    Added Files:
    arrow_down.gif bg_hash1.gif bg_hash2.gif bg_hash3.gif
    bg_hash4.gif gradient2b.gif
    acp_permissions.html permission_mask.html

    Log Message:
    my turn to break things... harharhar
    - checking in permission settings and permission masks
    - permission presets and documentation not finished yet
    - added backtrace function to determine file/line for sql errors
    - fixed marlist for orphan attachments/groups/logs/users
    - able to change anonymous user settings/permissions now
    - re-arranged admin permissions a bit (added some and removed some)
    - setting forum permissions after creating/editing forum now selects every default group (copy permisson/dropdown to be added for adding forums)
    - finished user permissions in users acp

    note: the layout for permissions might change
    devs: please empty the user_permissions in phpbb_users. Also, first change your auth_options table, remove all cache files and then re-set admin permissions. After having set the admin permissions you can update your modules table (else you will not see the permission tabs) - or empty the auth setting within the modules table to be able to see the permission modules (they rely on newly added permission options)
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 12.02.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    - Fixes a weird bug regarding SQL parsing..
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 14.02.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    - Usage of short tags that did not use short tag features is useless..
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 15.02.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:
    dbal.php functions.php

    Log Message:
    display complete backtrace. ;)
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 16.02.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:
    mssql.php mysql.php mysql4.php postgres.php

    Log Message:
    - only minor adjustements (we are now able to use other functions due to the increased php requirements)
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 18.02.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:
    viewforum.php index.php schema_data.sql
    acp_attachments.php acp_ban.php acp_bbcodes.php acp_board.php
    acp_bots.php acp_disallow.php acp_email.php acp_forums.php
    acp_groups.php acp_icons.php acp_jabber.php acp_language.php
    acp_logs.php acp_main.php acp_modules.php acp_permissions.php
    acp_php_info.php acp_profile.php acp_prune.php acp_ranks.php
    acp_styles.php acp_users.php acp_words.php auth.php
    functions.php functions_module.php

    Log Message:
    - fix some tiny bugs
    - fix module system (sometimes the layout is broken due to falsly deactivated categories)
    - auth updates (setting permissions)
    - fix "category jumping" bug in acp
    - u_action is defined by the module itself
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 19.02.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:
    acp_language.php functions_transfer.php common.php language.php
    acp_language.html common.php

    Log Message:
    - Uploading changed language files in the language ACP panel :-)
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 19.02.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:
    common.php language.php

    Log Message:
    Movin' a lang var, removin' a useless var
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 20.02.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    what a single character can influence actually... "leo-magic" -> gotcha
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 21.02.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:
    functions_admin.php functions_template.php functions_user.php
    message_parser.php template.php viewonline.php acp_users.php

    Log Message:
    - implementing David's proposed expression changes (some of them already noted within the events CCP)
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 21.02.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:
    ucp_pm_viewfolder.php acp_language.php common.php ucp.php ucp_pm_viewfolder.html

    Log Message:
    - You can now export an entire folder as either CSV or XML :D
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 21.02.06
    Entwickler: GrahamJE

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    Fix a minor bug with deletions
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 21.02.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    No functional change, just making it look nicer...
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 22.02.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    Just some CS stuff :p
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 22.02.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    This is what I get for fixing CS issues...
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 22.02.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:
    acp_forums.php acp_groups.php acp_modules.php
    acp_permissions.php auth.php
    acp_forums.html acp_groups.html acp_permissions.html
    memberlist.php common.php dbal.php
    forums.php groups.php permissions.php
    auth.php constants.php functions.php functions_admin.php
    functions_posting.php functions_user.php message_parser.php
    firebird_schema.sql mssql_schema.sql mysql_schema.sql
    oracle_schema.sql postgres_schema.sql schema_data.sql
    mcp_post.php mcp_queue.php ucp_attachments.php
    Added Files:
    acp_permission_roles.php acp_permission_roles.html permission_roles_mask.html

    Log Message:
    implementing permission roles

    - copy permissions (adding groups)
    - copy permissions (adding forums)
    - checking proper groupadd/del settings
    - added intro page to permissions (to give an overview and quick links)
    - able to select forums + subforums, single forum, all groups, all users (permission screens)
    - able to reset permissions (only reset input field)
    - fix forum deletion bug
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 22.02.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:
    ucp_confirm.php ucp_pm_viewfolder.php

    Log Message:
    - Remove the BBCode UIDs from the output
    - Faster generation of CAPTCHA images
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 23.02.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:
    acp_permissions.php auth.php

    Log Message:
    ok, slap me once..... but hard. (all acl entries got removed while setting permissions... you want users having more than one permisions, don't you?)
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 23.02.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    hehe, unsigned varchar, yep, of course...
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 24.02.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    Appending to the string is faster than copying it. Additionally, str_repeat is optimized for strings like "\0". This issue only came up with really, really large files to compress ( 150 MB + !)
    - fseek -> rewind
    - fewer read commands, less ugly array stuff :D
    - much cleaner way to deal with the version flag, stored files are now differently labeled than deflated files ( we follow the zip spec better than 7-Zip :D )
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 24.02.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:
    acp_permission_roles.php auth.php posting.php functions_user.php
    mcp_main.php mcp_queue.php permissions.php acp_permission_roles.html

    Log Message:
    - blabla, additional bugfixing permissions...
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 24.02.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    - We only write to the archive ONCE for every file and folder when working with tar files
    - Checksum is faster, uses some precomputation to speed things up
    - We only needed to pad the end of the archive with 512 nulls, not 1024 :D
    - Added some comments regarding the other fields ;-)
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 25.02.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:
    schema_data.sql board.php acp_board.php ucp_pm_viewfolder.php
    message_parser.php posting.php

    Log Message:
    Another one bites the dust :D

    - Nicer way of cleaning junk in PM export
    - Added various signature and posting controls :P

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