How can I add tabs in the overall header?

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Re: How can I add tabs in the overall header?

Post by novanilla »

the.ronin wrote:Thanks nova ... what I was referring to was changing the color of the menu. I know the tabs themeslves have a tab1_bg and tab2_bg (something like that) image that it uses. I can't seem to find where to change the color of the rest of the menu bar below it that has the control panel, faq, search, etc.
Oh. Happy thanksgiving, Ronin. :-)

I could be wrong, but I think bg_tabs1 and 2.gif control the tab colors in both active and inactive cases (respectively). ----- Edit 5 minutes later (gotta get better at reading): I see the nav bar color is what you're talking about. I've changed mine, but I can't remember where. I'll let you know if I run across it again. -----------------------

I notice your gallery script is renamed to gallery.php. Was there a lot of effort in finding the links to fix for that change?

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Re: How can I add tabs in the overall header?

Post by the.ronin »

Happy Thanksgiving to you too, chief! :D

Not trouble at all. I just opened every single php file in the gallery subfolder (not many, like 7 or something) and did a global find for "index". Also in includes/functions.php, changed the reference to index.php from gallery.php. Of course, I had to do this to do the tabs.

Yeah if you can find where that is to change the color of the navbar, that would be great.

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Re: How can I add tabs in the overall header?

Post by novanilla »

Good morning, Ronin...

I went nuts looking for a LOT of changes I wanted to make, and ran across this little article: ... 0#p5292445. Raimon has laid out a lot of handy color changes, including changing the color of the navbar.
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Re: How can I add tabs in the overall header?

Post by Kevin »

Sorry for the interruption, moved topic to "General phpBB3 Support", as it fits better there. ;)
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Re: How can I add tabs in the overall header?

Post by the.ronin »

Awesome - thanks, nova. That brings up a good knowledge base idea - showing where to change colors for all the components of phpBB.

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Re: How can I add tabs in the overall header?

Post by deaftone »

Ive been trying to add the code so that the tabs would appear above my navbar.

But whenever i put the code between these lines

Code: Select all

      <!-- IF not $S_IN_PORTAL or not S_DISPLAY_MAINMENU -->
      <div class="navbar">
I end up getting an error when i try to load the portal page and even the index page.

Another thing i was wondering was how do i get the navbar to show up on the portal page as well?

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Re: How can I add tabs in the overall header?

Post by deaftone »

I even tried editing the different instances pointed out by the.ronin and ended up with this code:

Code: Select all

   <div id="tabs">
             <li<!-- IF SCRIPT_NAME == 'portal.php' --> class="activetab"<!-- ENDIF -->><a href="{U_PORTAL}"><span>{L_PORTAL}</span></a></li>
             <li<!-- IF SCRIPT NAME == 'index.php' or SCRIPT_NAME == 'viewforum.php' or SCRIPT_NAME == 'viewtopic.php' --> class="activetab"<!-- ENDIF -->><a href="{U_INDEX}"><span>{L_INDEX}</span></a></li>
             <!-- IF S_DISPLAY_SEARCH --><li<!-- IF SCRIPT_NAME == 'search.php' --> class="activetab"<!-- ENDIF -->><a href="{U_SEARCH}" title="{L_SEARCH_ADV_EXPLAIN}"><span>{L_SEARCH}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
             <!-- IF S_DISPLAY_MEMBERLIST --><li<!-- IF SCRIPT_NAME == 'memberlist.php' --> class="activetab"<!-- ENDIF -->><a href="{U_MEMBERLIST}" title="{L_MEMBERLIST_EXPLAIN}"><span>{L_MEMBERLIST}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
             <li<!-- IF SCRIPT_NAME == 'faq.php' --> class="activetab"<!-- ENDIF -->><a href="{U_FAQ}" title="{L_FAQ_EXPLAIN}"><span>{L_FAQ}</span></a></li>
             <li<!-- IF SCRIPT_NAME == 'xxx.php' --> class="activetab"<!-- ENDIF -->><a href="xxx.php" title="XXX"><span>XXX</span></a></li>
             <li<!-- IF SCRIPT_NAME == 'yyy.php' --> class="activetab"<!-- ENDIF -->><a href="yyy.php" title="YYY"><span>YYY</span></a></li>
             <li<!-- IF SCRIPT_NAME == 'zzz.php' --> class="activetab"<!-- ENDIF -->><a href="zzz.php" title="ZZZ"><span>ZZZ</span></a></li>
Tried with that and it still didnt work. I even made sure that the code wasnt being wrapped by <!-- IF not $S_IN_PORTAL or not S_DISPLAY_MAINMENU --> but it still doesnt work. Would appreciate some help. I'm using the xabBlue theme if that helps.

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Re: How can I add tabs in the overall header?

Post by odklizec »

Great tip, thanks for it! However, does anyone tried this mod with another style than just prosilver? I just tried it with Hermes and Getaway and as you may expect, it does not work. Instead of tabs I got a vertical list of links. I added all missing activetab classes to the theme css file. So now I have vertical list of links, but still no tabs. Any idea how to persuade the navigation tabs to appear in these styles? Thank you in advance!
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Re: How can I add tabs in the overall header?

Post by odklizec »

OK, it seems these non-prosilver styles don't have/don't like tabs, so I will have to live with just line of separated text links. In fact, it does not look that bad.
Ricoh Digital and Film Cameras

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