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Re: phpBB Calendar block on Board3 Portal (Update 1.0.3)

Posted: 3. August 2009 01:01
by Mike
This is one possible way to hide Blocks and for thus, its ok ;)

Re: phpBB Calendar block on Board3 Portal (Update 1.0.3)

Posted: 3. August 2009 10:41
by Lara
Ok, but there is no opportunity in the ACP to do that, right?

Re: phpBB Calendar block on Board3 Portal (Update 1.0.3)

Posted: 3. August 2009 12:43
by Mike
ou can hide the Block via ACP too, but im not sure if this will hide both calendar blocks... :?

Re: phpBB Calendar block on Board3 Portal (Update 1.0.3)

Posted: 3. August 2009 13:07
by Lara
I'll try it. But where can I hide it? I only found out how to deactivate the mini calendar via ACP.

Re: phpBB Calendar block on Board3 Portal (Update 1.0.3)

Posted: 3. August 2009 18:07
by Mike
Dont we talking about the miniclandar? :oops:

Re: phpBB Calendar block on Board3 Portal (Update 1.0.3)

Posted: 3. August 2009 19:06
by hegse
You only can hide the minicalendar. The Event add on ist then hidden too when you do this with my code...

Re: phpBB Calendar block on Board3 Portal (Update 1.0.3)

Posted: 3. August 2009 20:45
by Lara
hegse wrote:You only can hide the minicalendar. The Event add on ist then hidden too when you do this with my code...
I used your code but afterwards the event add on wasn't hidden. Only after I deleted <!-- INCLUDE portal/block/calendar.html --> in the styles/prosilver/template/portal/portal_body.html the event add on was hidden.

Re: phpBB Calendar block on Board3 Portal (Update 1.0.3)

Posted: 4. August 2009 22:39
by hegse
Thats right. You must delete the code in the portal_body.html.
You can only hide the mini cal with the new code over the acp.

Re: phpBB Calendar block on Board3 Portal (Update 1.0.3)

Posted: 6. August 2009 12:50
by Rotsblok
I'm sorry but as I cannot read Taiwanees (dont know how to write it in english) I cannot seem to find the right link... to download this...

Re: phpBB Calendar block on Board3 Portal (Update 1.0.3)

Posted: 8. August 2009 05:26
by wang5555
Rotsblok wrote:I'm sorry but as I cannot read Taiwanees (dont know how to write it in english) I cannot seem to find the right link... to download this...
Sorry! The link already changed in the first post.

Re: phpBB Calendar block on Board3 Portal (Update 1.0.3)

Posted: 12. August 2009 05:23
by Alexandrej
Hello everyone,

I have a little problem with upgrading to calendar 0.1.0.
I previously had phpBB 3.0.5 with Board 3 v1.0.3 and Calendar 0.0.8 and everything worked fine.

I just upgraded to calendar 0.1.0 and the calendar works fine in my forum, but it blew up the portal completely.
When I go to the portal, I get a blank page with the following message :
Fatal error: Call to undefined function calendar_display_mini_month() in C:\weblocal\sites\phpbb3_torontois\portal\block\calendar.php on line 21

I then did also upgrade the calendar portal block to 1.0.3, but I still get the same message.

Has someone encountered this issue too ?
Since the calendar is working fine within the forum, then this points me to believe this issue is with the portal block ... Any ideas ?

Re: phpBB Calendar block on Board3 Portal (Update 1.0.3)

Posted: 12. August 2009 16:59
by NMI
Alexandrej wrote:Hello everyone,

I have a little problem with upgrading to calendar 0.1.0.
I previously had phpBB 3.0.5 with Board 3 v1.0.3 and Calendar 0.0.8 and everything worked fine.

I just upgraded to calendar 0.1.0 and the calendar works fine in my forum, but it blew up the portal completely.
When I go to the portal, I get a blank page with the following message :
Fatal error: Call to undefined function calendar_display_mini_month() in C:\weblocal\sites\phpbb3_torontois\portal\block\calendar.php on line 21

I then did also upgrade the calendar portal block to 1.0.3, but I still get the same message.

Has someone encountered this issue too ?
Since the calendar is working fine within the forum, then this points me to believe this issue is with the portal block ... Any ideas ?
Possibly try removing your Calendar 0.0.8 / 0.1.0 instances/edits/etc... as if it was never there, and then re-install 0.1.0 fresh?

Re: phpBB Calendar block on Board3 Portal (Update 1.0.3)

Posted: 13. August 2009 00:05
by Alexandrej
Thanks NMI,

just did this and the same thing happens...
Do you have the calendar 0.1.0 working with a real calendar block?
Because when I upgrade to the new block v1.0.3 it works fine except that the new version of the block is not a calendar by any means. It is just a list of upcoming events.

I used the following code for my calendar block that I modified so when you clicked on a day, it would open the calendar for that day instead of creating an event :

Code: Select all

<!--version $Id: mini_calendar.html 481 2009-03-15 23:16:32Z Christian_N $ //-->
{$LR_BLOCK_H_L}<img src="{T_THEME_PATH}/images/portal/portal_minical.png" width="16px" height="16px" alt=""/>&nbsp;<a href="{U_CALENDAR}" title="{L_CALENDAR}">{L_CALENDAR}</a>{$LR_BLOCK_H_R}
<table cellspacing="0" width="100%">
            <td align="left" colspan="2"><!-- IF CALENDAR_PREV_MINI -->{CALENDAR_PREV_MINI}</a><!-- ENDIF --></td>
            <td colspan="3" align="center"><span class="genmed">{CALENDAR_HEADER_MINI}</span></td>
            <td align="right" colspan="2"><!-- IF CALENDAR_NEXT_MINI -->{CALENDAR_NEXT_MINI}</a><!-- ENDIF --></td>


<table class="table_minical" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
   <th style="text-align:left;" colspan="7">{L_MINI_CAL_CALENDAR}</td>
  <tr class="row1">
    <td style="width: 5%; text-align: center"><span class="gensmall" style="color:#FF0000">{SUNDAY_MINI}</span></td>
    <td style="width: 5%; text-align: center"><span class="gensmall" style="color:#0000FF">{MONDAY_MINI}</span></td>
    <td style="width: 5%; text-align: center"><span class="gensmall" style="color:#0000FF">{TUESDAY_MINI}</span></td>
    <td style="width: 5%; text-align: center"><span class="gensmall" style="color:#0000FF">{WEDNESDAY_MINI}</span></td>
    <td style="width: 5%; text-align: center"><span class="gensmall" style="color:#0000FF">{THURSDAY_MINI}</span></td>
    <td style="width: 5%; text-align: center"><span class="gensmall" style="color:#0000FF">{FRIDAY_MINI}</span></td>
    <td style="width: 5%; text-align: center"><span class="gensmall" style="color:#FF0000">{SATURDAY_MINI}</span></td>
  <!-- BEGIN mini_calendar_days -->
  <!-- IF mini_calendar_days.START_WEEK -->
    <!-- ENDIF -->
    <!-- IF mini_calendar_days.DUMMY_DAY -->
    <td valign="top" class="bg3_calMon">&nbsp;</td>
    <!-- ELSE -->
     <td valign="top" class="{mini_calendar_days.DAY_CLASS}">
     <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%">
          <td class="{mini_calendar_days.HEADER_CLASS}" style="font-weight:{mini_calendar_days.WRITE_BOLD}; text-align:center;">
            <a href="{mini_calendar_days.DAY_VIEW_URL}">{mini_calendar_days.NUMBER}</a>
            <br />
    <!-- ENDIF -->
    <!-- IF mini_calendar_days.END_WEEK -->
  <!-- ENDIF -->
  <!-- END mini_calendar_days -->
<br clear="all" />

<table class="table_minical" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
  <tr class="row1">
      <td style="width: 100%; text-align: center" class="bg4">{L_UPCOMING_EVENTS}</td>

<table class="table_minical" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    <td class="row1">

      <!-- BEGIN events -->
      <!-- IF events.S_FIRST_ROW -->
      <!-- ELSE --><hr><!-- ENDIF -->
      <a href="{events.DAY_VIEW_URL}"><!-- IF events.COLOR --><span style="color:#{events.COLOR}"><!-- ENDIF -->
      [{events.NUMBER}]<!-- IF events.COLOR --></span><!-- ENDIF --></a>
      <a href="{events.EVENT_URL}" title="{events.EVENT_SUBJECT}">
      <!-- IF events.COLOR --><span style="color:#{events.COLOR}"><!-- ENDIF -->
      <!-- IF events.DISPLAY_BOLD --><strong><!-- ENDIF -->
      <!-- IF events.IMAGE --><img src="{events.IMAGE}" title="{events.ETYPE_DISPLAY_NAME}" height="20" width="20" /><!-- ENDIF -->
      <!-- IF events.ETYPE_DISPLAY_NAME -->{events.ETYPE_DISPLAY_NAME}:<!-- ENDIF -->
      <!-- IF events.DISPLAY_BOLD --></strong><!-- ENDIF -->
      <!-- IF events.SHOW_TIME --><br /><!-- IF events.ALL_DAY -->{L_ALL_DAY}<!-- ELSE -->
      {L_FROM_TIME}: {events.START_TIME} <br />{L_TO_TIME}: {events.END_TIME}<!-- ENDIF -->
      <!-- ENDIF -->
      <!-- IF events.COLOR --></span><!-- ENDIF --></a><br />
      <!-- END events -->

and it woked fine.

Hopefullly our friend wang5555 could help us adapt this code for the new calebdar 0.1.0.
I believe a few people in the thread are anxiously waiting for this one. ;)

Re: phpBB Calendar block on Board3 Portal (Update 1.0.3)

Posted: 20. August 2009 03:29
by foulou
Hi There,

Great work but i'm unable to make the block show up on my portal page, I have the calendar working well and good version, portal is ok and good version, just the block not showing, like there is nothing... :(

i tried to modify mini_calendar.html to put the code at the end but it did nothing, i tried to rename the calendar.html file and that did nothing also, the include line is present in the portal_body.html

i cleaned my cache each time :cry:

any suggestion ?


Re: phpBB Calendar block on Board3 Portal (Update 1.0.3)

Posted: 21. August 2009 00:07
by Sandrock
Another question!

Is there a way I can edit this block so that if an event tracks attendance, it will show a count on the block of the Yes/No/Maybe registrations?