[EN] Moving blocks / change order

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[EN] Moving blocks / change order

Post by Kevin »

FAQ Table Of Contents / Inhaltsverzeichnis

First: this tutorial is similar for subsilver2.
  • Which file have to be edited?
    The file where the position and order of the blocks is defined, is the:
  • How do i know where the right, center and left column begins?
    The begin of the columns is marked by following comments:
  • What code does belong to one block?
    The code belonging to the blocks is seperated by empty lines (okay, not in every case, we have to clean up a bit). In every case at least one IF and ENDIF statement belongs to each block.
    For example: This is how the codeblock for the poll block looks like:

    Code: Select all

    		<!-- IF S_DISPLAY_POLL -->
    			<!-- INCLUDE portal/block/poll.html -->
    		<!-- ENDIF -->
    There could be more than one IF / ENDIF statement, e.g. like in the announcements:

    Code: Select all

    		<!-- IF S_ANNOUNCE_COMPACT -->
    			<!-- INCLUDE portal/block/announcements_compact.html -->
    		<!-- ELSE -->
    			<!-- INCLUDE portal/block/announcements.html -->
    		<!-- ENDIF -->
    		<!-- ENDIF -->
  • How do i move a block?
    You have to search for the belonging code, (including the IF and ENDIF statements!), cut & paste at the position you want the block to move to.
    The block have to be pasted in every case after a <!-- ENDIF --> statement.
    Tip: the number of IF and ENDIF statements have to be the same. Counting could help.
Another Tip: it's not recommended to move blocks from the side to the center column and other way round. Because the styling of the center blocks is different to the ones on the side.

In the end save and upload the portal_body.html and purge the cache. Maybe recompile the template.

FAQ Table Of Contents / Inhaltsverzeichnis
~~~ They say the definition of madness is doing the same thing and expecting a different result ~~~

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