[Release] Board3 Portal 2.3.0 - English

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[Release] Board3 Portal 2.3.0 - English

Post by Kevin »

Extension Name: Board3 Portal
Author: Marc, Kirk, nickvergessen

Board3 Portal 2.3.0 - Captain Kirks "Beam me up, Scotty" release

Especially Kirk has been very diligent over the last years and has provided several fixes for problems with newer phpBB and PHP versions.
Marc has done some improvements as well (e.g. FontAwesome support), but these haven't been released in the meantime.
All this have been merged together into this new package.

What's new in Board3 Portal 2.3.0 ::
  • This is a maintenance update for the phpBB 3.3.X series and contains all needed fixes
    • Fixes for phpBB 3.3.X series
    • Fixes for PHP 7 and 8
    • FontAwesome icons can now be used within the Portal - including the center boxes (Marc + Kirk)
    • The old graphic icons can now be used in the center boxes as well
    • The "TextShortener" function have been updated (Marc)
    • Versioncheck runs again after switching to https at board3.de
    • several smaller bugfixes
Extension Description::
Adds a portal with several modules to your forum. You can change the settings, move the modules, add new modules, and more in the ACP.
Extension Version:: 2.3.0
Required phpBB version:: 3.2.6+
Required PHP version:: 7.1.0+

  • Moving, adding, deleting, and customizing modules in the ACP
  • Table-less prosilver layout
  • Unlimited custom blocks - you can add as many custom blocks in the ACP as you want
  • Responsive portal layout in prosilver
  • Portal on all pages (left or right column be shown on all pages)
  • ...

Demo URL: portal?style=5
ACP Demo URL: ACP Demo

Extension Download:
(372.83 KiB) Downloaded 22817 times
~~~ They say the definition of madness is doing the same thing and expecting a different result ~~~

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