CVS Checkins - Januar 2006

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CVS Checkins - Januar 2006

Post by Kevin »

Was tut sich bei der Entwicklung von Olympus?

Um immer mitzubekommen woran gerade bei Olympus gearbeitet wird, kann man sich in die Phpbb-checkins Mailingliste eintragen.

Diese Mails dokumentieren die Änderungen der Entwickler an den Dateien.

Hier nun eine Liste mit den Beschreibungstexten der Checkinmails für Olympus im Januar 2006 (die Checkins für phpBB 2.0.x werden nicht berücksichtigt). Zur Zeit tut sich erfreulicherweise einiges. Die Codeänderungen in den verschiedenen Dateien werden hier nicht einzeln aufgeführt. Das Mailarchiv findet man hier.

Stand: 29.01.06
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 02.01.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:
    constants.php functions.php functions_admin.php
    functions_compress.php functions_transfer.php common.php styles.php acp_main.html acp_modules.html acp_styles.htm

    Log Message:
    - install style and style elements
    - refresh template and style cache
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 02.01.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    - updated imageset cfg
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 03.01.06
    Entwickler: Tom Beddard

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    Added class="radio" to the hardcoded radio button input strings to prevent <input /> styling problems
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 03.01.06
    Entwickler: Tom Beddard

    Added Files:
    bg_tabs1.gif icon_up.gif phpbb_logo.gif bg_tabs2.gif
    icon_delete.gif icon_sync.gif icon_edit.gif bg_header.gif
    Modified Files:
    overall_header.html acp_prune_forums.html acp_prune_users.html
    overall_footer.html acp_icons.html acp_jabber.html
    acp_ranks.html acp_bots.html acp_php_info.html
    message_body.html custom_profile_fields.html acp_forums.html
    acp_groups.html acp_users.html acp_ban.html admin.css
    acp_attachments.html acp_styles.html
    Removed Files:
    cellpic1.gif header_bg.jpg bg_header.jpg header_left.jpg

    Log Message:
    First update of the new admin style to being it in line with the new frontend style. Note - this is still based on subsilver, the final admin will use the much nicer style of the new frontend - but that is secret until the final release ;)
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 03.01.06
    Entwickler: GrahamJE

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    And as if by magoc they are hidden (a minor change I missed commiting before Christmas)
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 04.01.06
    Entwickler: Tom Beddard

    Modified Files:
    viewtopic.php viewforum.php viewonline.php viewtopic_body.html functions_posting.php functions_display.php

    Log Message:
    Updated references to posts to be #p[post_id] rather than #[post_id] since it is against the W3C spec to have the id="" attribute starting with a number
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 05.01.06
    Entwickler: Nils Adermann

    Modified Files:
    acm_main.php acm_file.php acm_db.php functions_display.php

    Log Message:
    - acm::exists() is considered private now and was renamed to acm::_exists()
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 05.01.06
    Entwickler: GrahamJE

    Modified Files:
    ucp_register.php session.php

    Log Message:
    Fix 2 minor errors:
    1. Set user_style on registration to the board default
    2. Do not try to use the template when throwing an error about a missing style
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 05.01.06
    Entwickler: GrahamJE

    Modified Files:
    mcp_warn.php common.php mcp.php

    Log Message:
    L10n of warning messages sent to the user
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 05.01.06
    Entwickler: Tom Beddard

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    when logging out or clearing cookies the session_id is cleared, but this broke style.php since it needs a sid. Added a line to create the new guest session before finishing these actions.
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 05.01.06
    Entwickler: Tom Beddard

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    Prevents an occasional error where the $this->data['session_time'] is undefined.
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 05.01.06
    Entwickler: Tom Beddard

    Modified Files:
    admin.css functions.php

    Log Message:
    Updated the General Error page
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 06.01.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:
    functions.php session.php

    Log Message:
    making sure coding guidelines are met... ;)
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 06.01.06
    Entwickler: GrahamJE

    Modified Files:
    mcp_warn.php functions_module.php mcp.php schema_data.sql

    Log Message:
    Fixing a permissions issue where a user only has local moderator rights.
    David - please test to make sure it works for you as well
    NB: There is still an outstanding issue on the queue module to be looked at later
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 06.01.06
    Entwickler: GrahamJE

    Modified Files:
    firebird_schema.sql mssql_schema.sql mysql_schema.sql
    oracle_schema.sql postgres_schema.sql sqlite_schema.sql

    Log Message:
    Removing an unused table from the schema
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 07.01.06
    Entwickler: Tom Beddard

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    Added grouping by user_id to the team leader list query
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 07.01.06
    Entwickler: Tom Beddard

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    Fix for SQL error when the $forum_ary array is empty when there are no global announcements to view
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 07.01.06
    Entwickler: Tom Beddard

    Modified Files:
    background.gif stylesheet.css memberlist_body.html index_body.html viewforum_subforum.html
    overall_header.html posting_body.html
    Added Files:
    Removed Files:

    Log Message:
    Refresh of the subSilver style sheet. Fonts are now defined in ems and stylesheet reformatted for readability during development.
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 07.01.06
    Entwickler: Nils Adermann

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    - array_combine replacement for PHP4
    - properly send the charset
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 08.01.06
    Entwickler: GrahamJE

    Modified Files:
    mcp_main.php mcp_notes.php mcp_warn.php

    Log Message:
    Auth changes for these modules as per the schema from before
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 09.01.06
    Entwickler: GrahamJE

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    A few changes to the installer as a result of changes elsewhere
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 11.01.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:
    confirm_body.html sql_report.css

    Log Message:
    - CSS fix
    - Validation fix
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 11.01.06
    Entwickler: Nils Adermann

    Modified Files:
    search_fill.php mysql_schema.sql firebird_schema.sql mssql_schema.sql
    oracle_schema.sql postgres_schema.sql schema_data.sql fulltext_phpbb.php
    acm_db.php acm_file.php search_results.html search_body.html acp_board.php
    functions.php functions_admin.php message_parser.php search.php memberlist.php
    Added Files:
    Removed Files:

    Log Message:
    - overhauled search system
    - updated structure for search backend plugins
    - better result caching using ACM
    - search results no longer session restricted => link to them by copying the URL :)
    - in-topic search
    - indexing posts now uses search backend plugins
    - develop/search_fill.php working again
    - fulltext_mysql not working yet
    - tiny bugfixes to ACM
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 11.01.06
    Entwickler: GrahamJE

    Modified Files:
    admin_users.php sessions.php usercp_register.php

    Log Message:
    Changes related to deleting auto login keys on password change
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 11.01.06
    Entwickler: Nils Adermann

    Modified Files:
    search.php mysql_schema.sql

    Log Message:
    somehow I knew this had to happen :(
    (just two very tiny changes to the previous commit)
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 11.01.06
    Entwickler: Tom Beddard

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    Little layout fix for FF 1.0x browsers
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 13.01.06
    Entwickler: GrahamJE

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    A small fix to allow unread messages to be viewed from the screen linked to in the header instead of disappearing to the inbox :-)
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 14.01.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:
    acp_groups.html acp_groups.php

    Log Message:
    - Special Groups became.. screwed up if they were editted.. discovered while working on other groups shtuff..
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 14.01.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    - InnoDB would not calculate the total size of a table.. this is now fixed..
    - Applied regex majic to the stuff that checks MySQL version. Faster regex and easier to manage.
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 14.01.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:
    acp_users.html schema_data.sql posting.php
    functions.php functions_admin.php functions_user.php
    common.php users.php
    acp_groups.php acp_modules.php acp_users.php

    Log Message:
    - assign user rank
    - only a few very tiny bugfixes
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 14.01.06
    Entwickler: GrahamJE

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    A couple of minor bug fixes for note deletion
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 14.01.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:
    ucp_groups.php groups.php ucp_groups_manage.html

    Log Message:
    - Manage Groups now works! Hooray!
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 14.01.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:
    ucp_groups.php ucp_groups_manage.html

    Log Message:
    let the swatch and marking work
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 14.01.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:
    acp_users.php functions_module.php

    Log Message:
    Rats! Out of Bug Spray... Still have a handy can of Superfluous Function-call Be-gone!

    // TODO: Pick up more Bug Spray!
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 14.01.06
    Entwickler: GrahamJE

    Modified Files:
    common.php mcp.php viewtopic.php mcp.php mcp_logs.php
    Log Message:
    Initial implementation of a log viewer into the MCP
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 15.01.06
    Entwickler: GrahamJE

    Modified Files:
    mcp_logs.html functions_admin.php
    Log Message:
    Initial implementation of a log viewer into the MCP
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 15.01.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:
    ucp_groups_manage.html ucp_groups.php

    Log Message:
    - You can now see leaders in the UCP but can't touch 'em
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 16.01.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    Got my can of bug spray recharged at my local fire department :-)

    - Fixed weird bug in Groups ACP
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 16.01.06
    Entwickler: GrahamJE

    Modified Files:
    mcp_logs.php mcp.php

    Log Message:
    The curse of cut&paste strikes once more...
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 17.01.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    With this font the textarea is stretched over the complete screen rendering nearly all forms "unreadable"
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 17.01.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    move around - better not call create_function in a loop
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 18.01.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:
    posting.php viewtopic.php

    Log Message:
    - fix two very annoying bugs
    (1) mark topic read behaving incorrectly if editing posts (the topic gets marked unread)
    (2) jump to wrong page number (viewtopic with post id) if descending post ordering is set
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 18.01.06
    Entwickler: GrahamJE

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    Some further changes to HTML
    Previous comments still stand
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 19.01.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    - fixing list display in post. i am not sure if i like resetting browsers default margin, padding and font sizes. :/
    - still problems with the style and display on a PC (fonts are screwed up in postbody, not very well readable, letter spacing issues all over the place...) - might be that my system fonts are screwed of course and i am the only one having this problem. :)
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 20.01.06
    Entwickler: Tom Beddard

    Modified Files:
    viewonline_body.html viewforum_body.html memberlist_body.html
    bbcode.html viewtopic_body.html ucp_attachments.html

    Log Message:
    Further tweaks to the font sizes - looks nice on Windows and the Mac, IE and Firefox (the current area51 font settings are different from the CVS version).

    Note: Globally resetting the padding and margins is by far the easiest approach for cross browser & platform consistency.

    Also split each post pane on the viewtopic page to prevent a single wide non-wrapping post from spoiling the other posts.
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 21.01.06
    Entwickler: Nils Adermann

    Modified Files:
    fulltext_phpbb.php search.php functions_admin.php
    search.php posting.php common.php
    search_body.html search_results.html

    Log Message:
    - search deals with global topics
    - fixed some other search related bugs
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 22.01.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:
    acp_styles.php acp_styles.html common.php styles.php

    Log Message:
    - Imagesets can now be edited! Hooray! ( Might need to add something.. )
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 18.01.06
    Entwickler: GrahamJE

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    A few missing redirection changes
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 22.01.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:
    mcp_queue.php posting.php mysql.php mysql4.php
    auth.php functions.php functions_admin.php
    functions_module.php functions_posting.php session.php
    acp_attachments.html acp_attachments.php acp_email.php

    Log Message:
    - size select fix
    - introduced function for building group options (acp)
    - fixed acl_getf if negated option needs to be retrieved
    - only using one function for updating post informations
    - fixing module display if module is disabled
    - if user is having a non-existent style do not print out error message, instead fix the users value and load the default style
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 22.01.06
    Entwickler: Nils Adermann

    Modified Files:
    search.php fulltext_mysql.php fulltext_phpbb.php

    Log Message:
    - added fulltext_mysql
    - sort search results by topic author, not topic author id
    - topic tracking on search results page
    - dotted topics on search results page
    - links to global announcements fixed
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 23.01.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:
    functions.php acm_main.php acp_attachments.php acp_attachments.html posting.php

    Log Message:
    - fix minor bugs
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 23.01.06
    Entwickler: GrahamJE

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    I'm removing the HEADER_INC check from the error handler to resolve incomplete output in some cases.
    If this causes a problem in a specific case, please let me know the details
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 25.01.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:
    schema_data.sql ucp_pm_compose.php dbal.php mysql.php mysql4.php
    auth.php functions.php functions_admin.php
    functions_display.php functions_messenger.php
    functions_user.php session.php acp_forums.php acp_modules.php
    acp_modules.html posting.php ucp.php viewforum.php

    Log Message:
    - moved add_log out of functions_admin (this file should only be included in admin/admin-related pages)
    - fixed cookie based topic tracking
    - added missing config variables
    - other minor things
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 26.01.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:
    ucp_confirm.php ucp_register.php functions_compress.php

    Log Message:
    Fixes in both CAPTCHA and Compress

    - The "crc bug" is not a bug, it is actually a feature (the function returns an Adler hash, not a crc hash. This is more usefull for PNG files..) and was "fixed" by using the proper function instead of munging a substring
    - Zip files that are BZip2'd are now supported for extraction :-)

    - PNG generation now returns positive numbers for CRC, length, height and width!
    - We generate a variable number of images
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 27.01.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    - Tar extraction is MUCH faster, we parse the archive ONCE and create the directories on the spot instead of reading it twice and playing magic with file pointers. Also removed a potential leak.

    - Zip extraction needs a small shot in the arm, files and archive must be handled a little better.
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 27.01.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    - More loose definition regarding what gets to be a folder and what does not (More accurate, we lost folders before...)
    - Changed some fread()s to fseek()s
    - Much faster, single loop ( This might eat up more mem! Please report findings! )
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 27.01.06
    Entwickler: Nils Adermann

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    just some tiny changes to meet the coding guidelines
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 30.01.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    - We don't use the extra info because we can extrapolate the only thing of use (attributes) by using logic. Thus, we can skip large amounts of the file without missing any information.

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