A very strange thing with the portal

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Released: 09.01.10
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A very strange thing with the portal

Post by calproye »

Kevin I've got a problem with the portal, but I'm very confused.

Look at this picture: (when a user is not log in in the board). This is ok


Now Look at this other image: (when a user is log in the board). This is wrong


(In the section of "polls" and "who is on line" at the botton of the page. Sorry it's in Spanish) I've got a blue background colour when It should be a white color. Only it happens in the portal with prosilver style and the user is log in the portal.

I tested a lot of things. I know where the problem is in the database. ( I've got a "old backup copy" and when I restaured this backup copy, it fixes the problem, but I lost a lot of datas: post, topics and users)

I tested to change ONLY the "phpbb_portal_config" from the "old backup copy" to the "now database" and it doesn't fix the problem :?: . I'm very confused because the problem is not in the datas of the portal, but it happens only in the portal :?

Thanks a lot
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Re: A very strange thing with the portal

Post by Kevin »

Please try changing the number of chars to be displayed of one post, before the message is cut.
It seems that it is a problem with a not correctly closed BBCode (by the portal) in your post.
Are you using custom BBCodes?
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Re: A very strange thing with the portal

Post by calproye »

Yes, I'm using ABBC 3 (Advanced BBC version 3), but never before I had any problems until now. I'm going to change the number of chars...or delete the last topic. (it's a testing portal :D . I've installed to fix the problem).

Thanks you

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Re: A very strange thing with the portal

Post by calproye »

Kevin, it fixes the problem: change from 250 (the actual number) to 200 (new number) and the problem is out :lol:
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Re: A very strange thing with the portal

Post by Kevin »

Yeah, that's what i thought.
To describe the problem: When the settings are set to display the posts and cut the message, after e.g. 250 chars, the portal has a function to automatically close BBCode (parsed HTML-) tags, when the message is cut in the middle of a link, image or whatever tag.
So it prevents that code is parsed with one-way open and not closed HTML tags - which leads to a screwed up portal.
But this happened in your case. I think it has something to do with additional, extra BBcode, which is not recognized by our function.
So it could not prevent it from "not be closed".
This solution, to change the number of chars, just fixes this actual combination (cause you cut the message before or after the "trouble BBCode"). But keep in mind that this could happen again.
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Re: A very strange thing with the portal

Post by calproye »

Kevin wrote:Yeah, that's what i thought.
To describe the problem: When the settings are set to display the posts and cut the message, after e.g. 250 chars, the portal has a function to automatically close BBCode (parsed HTML-) tags, when the message is cut in the middle of a link, image or whatever tag.
So it prevents that code is parsed with one-way open and not closed HTML tags - which leads to a screwed up portal.
But this happened in your case. I think it has something to do with additional, extra BBcode, which is not recognized by our function.
So it could not prevent it from "not be closed".
This solution, to change the number of chars, just fixes this actual combination (cause you cut the message before or after the "trouble BBCode"). But keep in mind that this could happen again.
Yes, it's clear, but it's very curious it was working properly until now and for another hand, I remember that I've had some complex BBCode (iframe) posts/topics and they work properly, but "quote" BBCode not ¿¿??

If I select "Read all", the BBCode is closed properly and the problem is out. (It's not necesary to change the number of characters).

The problem I was becoming crazy to me, because I thought that something was wrong in the database, but the database only changed the last post/topic, which is what gives the problem. Uff......

Best regards, Kevin
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Re: A very strange thing with the portal

Post by Kevin »

calproye wrote:The problem I was becoming crazy to me, because I thought that something was wrong in the database, but the database only changed the last post/topic, which is what gives the problem. Uff......
No worries, it has definitely nothing to do with your database. ;)
calproye wrote:Yes, it's clear, but it's very curious it was working properly until now and for another hand, I remember that I've had some complex BBCode (iframe) posts/topics and they work properly, but "quote" BBCode not ¿¿??
The function could be found in portal/includes/functions.php from:

Code: Select all

// Don't let them mess up the complete portal layout in cut messages and do some real AP magic

Code: Select all

* Pagination routine, generates archive number sequence
It's wired, we've spent days for developing and testing this function as it is very complex. After cutting the message it is counting the opening tags and looks and counts the closing tags in order backwards, to close in emergency not closed tags.
We have tested it with all standard bbcodes and even with custom bbcodes. So it would be interesting to know which bbcode causes your problem.
In best case you could search for the exact string in your database and post it here. It should look something like this:

Code: Select all

Opensource CMS [url=http://www.typo3.com:f17dbgsh]Typo3[/url:f17dbgsh] wärmstens
calproye wrote:If I select "Read all", the BBCode is closed properly and the problem is out. (It's not necesary to change the number of characters.
Okay, this is not surprising, as we can take the bbcode in this case as it is - we don't have to check weather a tag is cut into pieces, cause we don't cut the post. ;)
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Re: A very strange thing with the portal

Post by calproye »

Kevin wrote: We have tested it with all standard bbcodes and even with custom bbcodes. So it would be interesting to know which bbcode causes your problem.
In best case you could search for the exact string in your database and post it here. It should look something like this:

Code: Select all

Opensource CMS [url=http://www.typo3.com:f17dbgsh]Typo3[/url:f17dbgsh] wärmstens
I'm going to look for that kind of string. I've got another portal (for testing). If I find something , that it doesn't work properly I write a post (here)
calproye wrote:If I select "Read all", the BBCode is closed properly and the problem is out. (It's not necesary to change the number of characters.
Okay, this is not surprising, as we can take the bbcode in this case as it is - we don't have to check weather a tag is cut into pieces, cause we don't cut the post. ;)
Well. It's obviously, :mrgreen: but this information (I think) not: the problem only happens with prosilver style ( My portal has three diferent styles. The users can choose: prosilver, subsilver2 and BF_Vista style (is based on subsilver2). The "sub2" and "BF" work properly, but prosilver style NOT ¿¿??

example for subsilver2

If the function doesn't work properly, shouldn't it be wrong for ALL styles?

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Re: A very strange thing with the portal

Post by calproye »

This is THE post:

Code: Select all

[/align:3gze1ji0]', 'c8959aa7ec7aebe16c1dec9f6fdb1cca', 0, 'EAAAIA==', '3gze1ji0', 1, 0, '', 0, 0, 0),(504, 79, 14, 53, 0, '', 1217493791, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, '', 'Re: [OTROS]Noticias Blu Ray', '[align=justify:286oarq5]Si cada dos por tres estamos publicando que si tal o cual compañía han conseguido desarrollar un disco de tal cantidad de "capas" en BR con "chorrocientos" gigas, aquí tenemos una noticia mas interesante, dado que no tiene capas, guarda la información en todo el espacio 3D que ocupa el disco. A efectos prácticos es como si fuera un holograma, el resultado es: [url=http&#58;//www&#46;cdfreaks&#46;com/news/News-in-technology-Three-dimensional-optical-storage&#46;html:286oarq5]News in technology: Three dimensional optical storage - 1 Terabyte[/url:286oarq5]\n\n\nSaludos  <!-- s:saludos: --><img src=\"{SMILIES_PATH}/Hola.gif\" alt=\":saludos:\" title=\"Saludos\" /><!-- s:saludos: -->

Best regards

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