Editing "lang_portal.php" in another language

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Editing "lang_portal.php" in another language

Post by kalamar »

Hi everyone!
First I would like to thanks the staff of board3 for this great job ;)

I would like to translate the portal in my language (french), so I've added the following code in "index.html" and "overall_header.html":

Code: Select all

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ANSI" /> 
and I also edit all the files in ANSI. The problem is that special characters (é,à. è, ï.....) aren't displayed (there is a small logo instead).
I've read the topic concerning this : viewtopic.php?f=24&t=556 , but I've not understand what I should do to fix this problem.

Thanks a lot and I apologise for my english ;)
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Re: Editing "lang_portal.php" in another language

Post by thomas.d »

Hi kalamar,
kalamar wrote:... I've read the topic concerning this : viewtopic.php?f=24&t=556 , but I've not understand what I should do to fix this problem ...
In the topic you've mentioned it's explained like this:
FAQ wrote:The solution here is an editor, which provides the ability to encode the php-files correctly as "UTF-8 without BOM". Such an editor is for instance "Notepad++".
This means that you have to use an editor (NOT Windows Notepad for example), that provides the ability to save files in the correct format "UTF-8 without BOM".

An editor matching these requirements is for example "Notepad++" which is freeware (and a french lang pack is available I think ...).

You would edit language files as you like (with special french characters) and save them with their correct name and in the correct format (UTF-8 without BOM).
Viele Grüße


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Re: Editing "lang_portal.php" in another language

Post by Heinrich-XIV »

Additial Info:

You can Notepad ++ download here:


This links to the Site from Notepad++ in french language.

Don't vergot to set the FORMAT to UTF-8 without BOM.




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Re: Editing "lang_portal.php" in another language

Post by kalamar »

Ok it works. I was editing in UTF8 without BOM but I forgot to convert the whole document.

Thanks a lot Heinrich-XIV :)
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Re: Editing "lang_portal.php" in another language

Post by Heinrich-XIV »

No problem!

Fine, make a good work. ;)



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