Search found 3 matches

by archcry
28. August 2011 11:53
Forum: Board3 Portal 2.0.x - English Support
Topic: Additional portal page.
Replies: 1
Views: 4061

Re: Additional portal page.

Well I managed to solve this issue now, there is only 1 issue left.

Since I have 3 pages with a menu on all of them the config table created 3 entries for links.
How can I make them run on 1 entry?

~ Archcry
by archcry
27. August 2011 12:47
Forum: Board3 Portal 2.0.x - English Support
Topic: Additional portal page.
Replies: 1
Views: 4061

Additional portal page.

Hello, I've been trying to add a page called login.php to my portal. So far it works, got it running on phpbb_login_modules (instead of portal_modules) I am only wondering how to configure this page in ACP. I made a new case "module_login" and linked it to my new database. So far that work...
by archcry
25. April 2011 22:41
Forum: Modification Requests
Topic: Server status
Replies: 0
Views: 5031

Server status

Hello, I have been using board3 for a long time now, in combination with some awesome world of warcraft style. Now I made a private server for my guild, I managed to intergrade a register page but... I want to add a realm status bar to the center block on the portal. I have 2 PHP files that are invo...

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