Search found 5 matches

by axel13
28. November 2009 23:52
Forum: board3 Portal 1.0.x - English Support
Topic: portal.php outside of my forums directory and gallery
Replies: 2
Views: 3749

Re: portal.php outside of my forums directory and gallery

And from mydomain/forum/gallery/search.php (for example, if i click - last comments) it doens,t download styles and all links are mydomain/target.php, not mydomain/forum/targen.php.
This problem is solved - i need seo gallery mod ;)

But the link on Logo doesn't work correct....
by axel13
28. November 2009 23:08
Forum: board3 Portal 1.0.x - English Support
Topic: portal.php outside of my forums directory and gallery
Replies: 2
Views: 3749

portal.php outside of my forums directory and gallery

Your Portal Version: 1.0.4 Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3 MODs installed: Yes Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge Boardlink: What have you done before the problem was there? Install phpbb3.0.6, connect old cleaned database, install board3 portal, move portal.php from mydomain/foru...
by axel13
10. June 2008 00:27
Forum: board3 Portal 1.0.x - English Support
Topic: Portal as main page...
Replies: 18
Views: 27863

Re: Portal as main page...

Heeeelp me please anyone :cry:
by axel13
9. June 2008 12:28
Forum: board3 Portal 1.0.x - English Support
Topic: Portal as main page...
Replies: 18
Views: 27863

Re: Portal as main page...

Sorry for my english, but I have this problem too. Is any fix for this problem? And when I do this: Try this: portal.php search: $phpbb_root_path = (defined('PHPBB_ROOT_PATH')) ? PHPBB_ROOT_PATH : './'; replace with: $phpbb_root_path = '../forum/'; And upload the portal.php to your root directory. N...

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