Search found 12 matches

by Jaz
7. December 2009 09:55
Forum: Modification Requests
Topic: Automated PayPal/Donor Block
Replies: 3
Views: 8711

Re: Automated PayPal/Donor Block

Any updates on this guys?
by Jaz
4. December 2009 04:26
Forum: Style requests
Topic: Black Smoke Style
Replies: 79
Views: 89234

Re: Black Smoke Style

Is there a simple way though to stop the header image from repeating but allowing the border to?
by Jaz
3. December 2009 17:29
Forum: Style requests
Topic: Black Smoke Style
Replies: 79
Views: 89234

Re: Black Smoke Style

Is there an easy way of increasing the right hand column width size or a way to fix it so it doesn't break the layout when you add something with say a 220px width? heres an example Adjusting the block width in the ACP did not work/help. Changing the wrap in common.css helped but then caused the hea...
by Jaz
11. October 2009 21:16
Forum: board3 Portal 1.0.x - English Support
Topic: Change portal file name
Replies: 1
Views: 5607

Change portal file name

Your Portal Version: 1.0.4 Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3 MODs installed: Yes Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge Boardlink: local install What have you done before the problem was there? What have you already tryed to solve the problem? Description and Message Is it possible or doable to rename the ...
by Jaz
10. October 2009 03:51
Forum: board3 Portal v1.0.x - Modifications
Topic: [Rel] Ventrilo Block + ACP sup. (v1.1)
Replies: 44
Views: 104516

Re: [Rel] Ventrilo Block + ACP sup.

"ACP_PORTAL_VENTRILO_INFO" shows in module management but the actual module bit in "MODS." does not show.
by Jaz
8. October 2009 23:53
Forum: board3 Portal v1.0.x - Modifications
Topic: [Rel] Ventrilo Block + ACP sup. (v1.1)
Replies: 44
Views: 104516

Re: [Rel] Ventrilo Block + ACP sup.

I can't find the lang_adm_additional_blocks.php file in the portal/includes/ folder...was this removed in board3 1.0.4? is there a work around? I've tried continuing without performing the edit and the ventrilo settings do not show up under .mods in ACP.
by Jaz
8. October 2009 14:54
Forum: Style requests
Topic: Black Smoke Style
Replies: 79
Views: 89234

Re: Black Smoke Style

I changed the bloc config to yours, still nothing so I decided to also use your overall_header.html but it had your url hardcoded into where the index, etc links where such as <a href="" title="{L_SEARCH_ADV_EXPLAIN}&qu...
by Jaz
8. October 2009 03:09
Forum: Style requests
Topic: Black Smoke Style
Replies: 79
Views: 89234

Re: Black Smoke Style If you compare it to the solid-gaming website or your test setup(area 51) Mike, You'll notice the blocks are abit smaller. The blocks are set to 180 and everything as it should be and is the same as yours I believe.

Any ideas?
by Jaz
7. October 2009 16:01
Forum: Style requests
Topic: Black Smoke Style
Replies: 79
Views: 89234

Re: Black Smoke Style

Is it possible to adjust the width/make the center blocks wider only?
My portal seems to not be as wide as most of yours.
by Jaz
4. October 2009 15:30
Forum: Style requests
Topic: Black Smoke Style
Replies: 79
Views: 89234

Re: Black Smoke Style

Thanks that worked great Mike!
It's a local install but feel free to take a look(The issue is caused when you use a large avatar).
You could try replacting the issue by allowing avatars on your board and putting a large one as yours(140x140 perhaps).
by Jaz
4. October 2009 07:50
Forum: Style requests
Topic: Black Smoke Style
Replies: 79
Views: 89234

Re: Black Smoke Style

I'd love a workaround if it wouldn't be too much trouble mike

I know it is not a portal issue but I was also wondering if any of you knew how to stop avatars from overlapping the online image?
by Jaz
2. October 2009 21:37
Forum: Style requests
Topic: Black Smoke Style
Replies: 79
Views: 89234

Re: Black Smoke Style

Hey I don't suppose Mike or blastman could link me(in this thread or pm) to a link for this style with the edits for board3? :)

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