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5. April 2009 03:06
Forum: board3 Portal 1.0.x - English Support
Topic: users not staying logged in?
Replies: 82
Views: 108342

Re: users not staying logged in?

Thank you Kevin for the response and for being honest, I'm glad to see you stand behind your portal and are trying hard to find a solution. In my circumstance, I did an update from 1.0.2 to 1.0.3, I did not have an issue with 1.0.2, if the issue is not with any of the new code updates, then where co...
4. April 2009 20:33
Forum: board3 Portal 1.0.x - English Support
Topic: users not staying logged in?
Replies: 82
Views: 108342

Re: users not staying logged in?

I looked at my cookie settings and server settings in the ACP, both appear correct to me, I deleted all board cookies, then deleted my browser cookies, logged back in but still having the same problem, it's very frustrating. I will PM my FTP data along with admin account to Kevin soon.
3. April 2009 16:19
Forum: board3 Portal 1.0.x - English Support
Topic: users not staying logged in?
Replies: 82
Views: 108342

Re: users not staying logged in?

Please give detalils on what cookie setting you changed/adjusted in the ACP?
3. April 2009 02:17
Forum: board3 Portal 1.0.x - English Support
Topic: users not staying logged in?
Replies: 82
Views: 108342

Re: users not staying logged in?

Thanks Mike for the reply, I'm glad to hear the team is working on it
3. April 2009 01:33
Forum: board3 Portal 1.0.x - English Support
Topic: users not staying logged in?
Replies: 82
Views: 108342

Re: users not staying logged in?

Any ideas on a fix for this yet guy's?
2. April 2009 22:14
Forum: board3 Portal 1.0.x - English Support
Topic: users not staying logged in?
Replies: 82
Views: 108342

Re: users not staying logged in?

I would be willing to give access to my site as well, I need to get this resolved
2. April 2009 20:53
Forum: board3 Portal 1.0.x - English Support
Topic: users not staying logged in?
Replies: 82
Views: 108342

Re: users not staying logged in?

Before advising my users to do so, I cleared my cookies and logged in, still the same problem. I did not have the problem before the update.
I am not having the problem here on the Board3 board.
2. April 2009 03:24
Forum: board3 Portal v1.0.x - Modifications in Dev
Topic: User Blog Mod Block
Replies: 24
Views: 54852

Re: User Blog Mod Block

I would like to see this be developed as well
2. April 2009 03:00
Forum: board3 Portal 1.0.x - English Support
Topic: [SOLVED]New .png images not showing on blocks after update
Replies: 14
Views: 9536

Re: [SOLVED]New .png images not showing on blocks after update

Thanks Mike, that fixed it, I did that code edit to the main menu, user menu and the links files, all is well now.
2. April 2009 02:51
Forum: board3 Portal 1.0.x - English Support
Topic: Yet another .htaccess post
Replies: 2
Views: 3151

Re: Yet another .htaccess post

Do you have an index.html file at your root? if not, get one and add the url to your portal <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <META HTTP-EQUIV=REFRESH CONTENT="0; URL="> </head> </html> replace &qu...
31. March 2009 16:13
Forum: board3 Portal 1.0.x - English Support
Topic: users not staying logged in?
Replies: 82
Views: 108342

Re: users not staying logged in?

I noticed yesterday after the upgrade, I am having the same issue.
31. March 2009 03:23
Forum: board3 Portal 1.0.x - English Support
Topic: [SOLVED]New .png images not showing on blocks after update
Replies: 14
Views: 9536

Re: New .png images not showing on blocks after update to 1.0.3

Yes Mike, I have uploaded all the files, I'm sure it's something simple, I just can't put my finger on it. The images are in the correct folder, I can see the image in the folder, I checked the .css file, it points to the image, it just doesn't show for some reason. I have refreshed my template,them...
30. March 2009 23:57
Forum: board3 Portal 1.0.x - English Support
Topic: [SOLVED]New .png images not showing on blocks after update
Replies: 14
Views: 9536

Re: New .png images not showing on blocks after update to 1.0.3

Yes I have cleared the cache, it has me stumped as to why there not showing, all the other graphics are displaying properly, any ideas? *sidenote* thanks for the heads up Mike about the credit, when I did the update to 1.0.3 it went back to invisible with the new files, I had that fixed per this thr...
30. March 2009 20:52
Forum: board3 Portal 1.0.x - English Support
Topic: [SOLVED]New .png images not showing on blocks after update
Replies: 14
Views: 9536

Re: New .png images not showing on blocks after update to 1.0.3

I have everything back to normal except one small issue, I can't seem to get the arrowbullet.gif images to appear on the menu, users menu or the links blocks. I uploaded the images to the image folder, what could be the issue?

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