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by rudolfpietersma
10. July 2010 20:46
Forum: board3 Portal 1.0.x - English Support
Topic: Portal too wide
Replies: 1
Views: 5942

Portal too wide

Your Portal Version: 1.5 Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3 MODs installed: Yes Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge Boardlink: What have you done before the problem was there? Installed the portal just now. What have you already tryed to solve the problem? Description ...
by rudolfpietersma
11. March 2009 10:13
Forum: board3 Portal v1.0.x - Modifications
Topic: [EN] Weatherforecast with User ZIP code (
Replies: 71
Views: 156946

Re: [EN] Weatherforecast with User ZIP code (

Another small question. The color of the text is white and yellow and hard to read. How can I change this? I know it has forabg as div class, but I'm not able to change the colors. Little help here is also very appreciated! Kevin or anybody, Can you tell me ho...
by rudolfpietersma
9. March 2009 21:25
Forum: board3 Portal 1.0.x - English Support
Topic: Soft Delete Mod and Board3?
Replies: 14
Views: 11598

Re: Soft Delete Mod and Board3?

Tnx a lot, that worked just great!
by rudolfpietersma
8. March 2009 18:30
Forum: board3 Portal 1.0.x - English Support
Topic: How to change the colors of the portal menu?
Replies: 4
Views: 5817

Re: How to change the colors of the portal menu?

rudolfpietersma wrote:
japagun wrote:where you want to change???
I want to change the colors of the portal menu on the left. (all the colors they don't fit with the site's color).
You can check it here:

Can anybody give me some tips or links where this is explained?
by rudolfpietersma
8. March 2009 18:29
Forum: board3 Portal v1.0.x - Modifications
Topic: [EN] Weatherforecast with User ZIP code (
Replies: 71
Views: 156946

Re: [EN] Weatherforecast with User ZIP code (

rudolfpietersma wrote:But now it has a default ZIP for "State Collega PA".
When I go back to the portal it has my own choosen and correct ZIP. (Emmen, Netherlands).

What am I doing wrong?
Anybody any idea or suggestion?
by rudolfpietersma
8. March 2009 18:28
Forum: board3 Portal 1.0.x - English Support
Topic: Soft Delete Mod and Board3?
Replies: 14
Views: 11598

Re: Soft Delete Mod and Board3?

Hi Kevin,
Did you have some time to think about the correct code?

by rudolfpietersma
6. March 2009 08:28
Forum: board3 Portal 1.0.x - English Support
Topic: Soft Delete Mod and Board3?
Replies: 14
Views: 11598

Re: Soft Delete Mod and Board3?

Kevin, I'm getting a SQL error. SQL ERROR [ mysqli ] Unknown column 'p.post_deleted' in 'where clause' [1054] SQL SELECT topic_title, forum_id, topic_id FROM phpbb_topics WHERE topic_status <> 2 AND topic_approved = 1 AND topic_type = 0 AND topic_moved_id = 0 AND p.post_deleted = 0 ORDER BY topic_ti...
by rudolfpietersma
5. March 2009 19:09
Forum: board3 Portal 1.0.x - English Support
Topic: Soft Delete Mod and Board3?
Replies: 14
Views: 11598

Re: Soft Delete Mod and Board3?

Hi Kevin,
I now do see in the "Recent Topics" block a soft deleted topic. Is there a same kind of way to hide it?

by rudolfpietersma
5. March 2009 19:08
Forum: board3 Portal 1.0.x - English Support
Topic: How to add overall_header to portal_body?
Replies: 2
Views: 3668

Re: How to add overall_header to portal_body?

You dont neet to include the Header, since it is already included. ;) As i can see on your Board you should find the solution here: The Style in this Thread differs from yours, but if you read and understand, you will be able to solv...
by rudolfpietersma
5. March 2009 18:19
Forum: board3 Portal 1.0.x - English Support
Topic: Soft Delete Mod and Board3?
Replies: 14
Views: 11598

Re: Soft Delete Mod and Board3?

Kevin wrote:

Code: Select all

Great stuff Kevin, it seems to work :-)

Though it needs a comma behind p.post_deleted

Code: Select all

Thanks a lot!
by rudolfpietersma
5. March 2009 15:22
Forum: board3 Portal 1.0.x - English Support
Topic: Soft Delete Mod and Board3?
Replies: 14
Views: 11598

Re: Soft Delete Mod and Board3?

I'm still struggling with this issue, please help me :o
by rudolfpietersma
5. March 2009 15:18
Forum: board3 Portal v1.0.x - Modifications
Topic: [EN] Weatherforecast with User ZIP code (
Replies: 71
Views: 156946

Re: [EN] Weatherforecast with User ZIP code (

I also would like to add the weahter.html to So I added <!-- INCLUDE portal/block/weather.html --> to the bottom of viewforum_body.html But now it has a default ZIP for "State Collega PA". When I go back to the portal it has my own ch...
by rudolfpietersma
5. March 2009 10:26
Forum: board3 Portal 1.0.x - English Support
Topic: How to add overall_header to portal_body?
Replies: 2
Views: 3668

How to add overall_header to portal_body?

Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3 Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3 MODs installed: Yes Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge Boardlink: Description and Message How to add this to the header of portal_body? I do see that <!-- INCLUDE overall_header.html --> is in the por...
by rudolfpietersma
4. March 2009 10:10
Forum: board3 Portal 1.0.x - English Support
Topic: How to change the colors of the portal menu?
Replies: 4
Views: 5817

Re: How to change the colors of the portal menu?

japagun wrote:where you want to change???
I want to change the colors of the portal menu on the left. (all the colors they don't fit with the site's color).
You can check it here:


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