MOD-Titel: Board3 Portal
MOD-version: 1.0.5
Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict
Adds a portal with several blocks, which can be switched on and off via the ACP, to the front page of your phpBB 3 forums.
This portal is a further development / fork of the phpbb3Portal. An update wizard and update instructions from phpbb3portal 1.2.2 and from previous Board3 Portal versions are included in the package.
Board3 Portal is validated and included in the mod-DB on
Changes to version 1.0.4
- Fixed mouseover showing "01 Jan" in birthday block, no matter when the birthday is
- Removed unnecessary second line break from birthday list
- Added user icon in front of every user in birthday list and made it look like top poster block
- Fixed a typo in install files and update for 3.0.6
- Changed "en-gb" to "en" in the install files
- Changed apostrophe to its HTML Entity in install_portal.php
- Fixed typo in install/install_functions.php
- Fixed wrong edit in update from phpbb3portal
- Fixed a few parts that didn't follow the coding guidelines
- poll.php: removed urldecode() as this might cause errors
- recent.php: casting $id to int now and trim() has been removed
- Removed unnecessary queries in user_menu.php
- Now using generate_text_for_display in block/welcome.php, block/custom.php and for function phpbb_fetch_posts
- Removed unnecessary license.txt
- Fixed broken link when block icons are turned off: tracker.php?p=13&t=160
- Added reapply_sid() in portal.php
- Added sql_freeresult to functions.php
- Added fixes for better compatibility with Portalview MOD
- Fixed SQL Bug with PostgreSQL
- Fixed Bug where moderators were displayed in forumlist, although display of moderators was disabled in ACP
- filetypes can now be selected to show up in attachment block and they can also be hidden from attachment block
- Fixed small bugs for better compatibility with MSSQL
- Added forum select box to news block, announcements block, recent topics block, attachments block, and polls block
- Left and right column can be turned off via ACP now
- Added rtl-fix for portal_body.html
- Seperated portal_body.html into 3 seperate files
- Added unread posts to user menu
- Board Index is now available, even if the installer hasn't been ran yet
- Made subsilver2 poll block XHTML 1.0 Transitional valid
- Updated forumlist_search.html for phpBB 3.0.6
- Made prosilver login box XHTML 1.0 strict valid
- Fixed bug where endtags would get a :u: in front of the bbcode uid if the word "list" is inside the bbcode tag
- Fixed error with wordgraph, where only the words with low counts would display
- Fixed typo in leaders_ext.html
- Bugfixes, view: tracker.php?st=15&vid=10&p=13&u=0&at=0
- MPV Check: Better request_var(); instead of $_COOKIE
- MPV Check: Better function_exists(); instead of include_once();
- Missing {$phpbb_root_path} in portal/block/poll.php
- class="icon" in the dl-tag added and moved to _block_config.html
- Use the bg1 class by all middle blocks
- Fixed SQL ERROR [ postgres ], missing u.username_clean in the SELECT
- Added Versioncheck on Portal (only Admins) and ACP --> Portal --> General settings.
- Fixed bug in recent.php: users without access to all forums did not see the maximum number of topics
- Missing IN_PHPBB check
- CleanUp all Files
- ModX 1.2.3 update
- And much more... forgot to note it all down
- Bugfixes, view: bugtracker/viewcat.php?c=11
- New option to disable the whole portal via ACP (links will be hidden).
- Easier cutomizable template system with variables for block header and footer (_block_config.html) - change all headers and footers in one file
- New installer, based on phpBB Gallery by nickvergessen
- Added interface files for additional blocks, for easier updating in future (additional_blocks.php, lang_adm_additional_blocks.php, additional_blocks_center.html / left, right)
Block authors: please read this topic - Permissions for portal ACP modules
- New option to hide expired polls on portal
- ModX 1.2.2 update
- Tiny bug fixes
- Updated to ModX 1.2.1
- Added missing update instructions
- Fixed misc bugs
- Added switch to choose if "views" and "replies" should be diplayed in extra colums. To solve problems of distroyed layouts in compact view of news and announcements. e.g. with thin styles.
- subsilver2 style rework
- Bugfixes, view: bugtracker/viewcat.php?c=9
- Added new style / own CSS for easier style adaption - provided by Graphic Corner / Pfoti:
- Normal and inline attachments are displayed properly now in news / announcements text view. (Thanks to connect for the inline attachments solution)
- Rework of the compact view of news / announcements. Topic folders and icons are now displayed. Complete style rework.
- #unread link for news / announcements. (Thanks to Mike, for pushing us in the right direction)
- Team bloc: possibillity to let non-system groups display
- Support for handymans MOD Version Check. To use this feature, this mod has to be installed.
- Update to ModX 1.2.0 - package structure adapted
- Language files rework
- PayPal block rework. All supported currencies can be chosen with a drop-down button. The amount to donate can be typed in.
- Bugfixes, view: bugtracker/viewcat.php?c=8
- Many of bugfixes, view: bugtracker/viewcat.php?c=6
- Adaptions to phpBB 3.0.1
- The link block can be edited in the ACP: add, delete links and order position
- BBCode is now allowed in welcome message
- Two custom blocks added, which can be filled with BBCode or HTML in the ACP. To use with ads, videos, images, whatever.
- Complete rework of the News / Announcements. Implemented a achive system and pagnition. You can choose if you want to have the first or the newest post displayed in news.
- Full MSSQL support
- Forum list on the portal added
- Show "Portal page" in "who is online"
- Option to disable user permission check for News / Announcements
- Style changer added
- Attachment block: display attachments from one or more specific forums + attachments permission check added
- No longer required to be a founder to update/install, just an admin with "board" permissions.
- Fixed a news/announcements permissions bug.
- Fixed a bug when no news posts were viewable due to account permissions.
- Fixed a bug in announcements/news/polls due to shadow topics left after a topic is moved.
- Polls have been completely reworked (checking permissions, show newest, etc)
- subsilver2 is included in the package (Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict!)
- several bugfixes
- Forum names are diplayed with news / announcements
- Upcoming birthdays (configurable in ACP) - many thanks to Kendoo!
- Several stylefixes and improvements
- Welcomebox is not limited to 255 characters anymore
- Log messages in ACP configuration are displayed properly now
- The installer / updater (called PInUp) has been reworked
- Completed the ACP management (all boxes could be turned on + off, the ACP management is now phpBB conform in the ACP tab "Mods")
- Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict! (prosilver)
- many bugfixes
- several new functions (e.g. read / unread topic icons + attachment icon at recent news / announcements, welcome box optional only for Guests, BBCode is parsed in textview when messages are cut when the max length is reached in recent news / announcements, etc)
- Language files are moved and renamed phpBB conform into language/mods, no language variables have to be added to the phpBB acp/common.php file anymore
- The DB entries which has been in the phpbb_config table are moved into a own table, (called phpbb_portal_config), because otherwise the whole board could suffer in performance (nearly 60 additional entries, who would be called on each site otherwise)
- The installer / updater is coded completely new
MOD-download: phpBB-version: phpBB 3.0.X
phpBB-styles: prosilver, subsilver2
phpBB-languages: English, German - More languages here: viewforum.php?f=12
MOD-demo: Demo prosilver / Demo subsilver2
Portal ACP Demo: acp_demo/en/
Preview install instructions: portal_docs/install.xml
Please don't upload the mod anywhere (to offer it as a download), without asking me before, thanks.