Customblock - Changing banner?

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Customblock - Changing banner?

Post by Jens E »

I wannted to have a banner in one of the custom block that should change everytime the page was reloaded. I found a nice php script that would do this for me but i have problem loading the script from the custom block. I first tried with a script that changed picture everytime and that worked fine when using

Code: Select all

. But when installing the one that changed banner AND made it a clickable link i didnt work anymore. Anyone who has an idea how i should make it work?

The script i am using is returning html code with "echo"..

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Re: Customblock - Changing banner?

Post by Kevin »

That would be best reached with a "complete" custom block.
Means a included PHP file and a included template file.

Show me the PHP and HTML code you want to use.

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Re: Customblock - Changing banner?

Post by Jens E »

This is the php script i want to use:

Code: Select all


Random Banners

(C) 2007 NZ's Finest

1. Edit the information below (,image.png, etc).
The format is <url>,<image>

2. Or add in new banners by copying the text
and pasting it on a new line above

Then include it on your website by using the code:

$banners = array(

Do not edit below this line unless you know what you are doing.

$randnum = rand(0, count($banners) - 1); // Choose a random banner
$exploded = explode(",", $banners[$randnum]); // Separate chosen banner by ,

$url = $exploded[0]; // Grab the URL for the banner
$img = $exploded[1]; // Grab the image for the banner

// Display the banner
echo "<a href=\"$url\">";
echo "<img src=\"$img\" border=\"0\" />";
echo "</a>";

Its an really easy and basic "random banner" script that i want to include in a custom block OR some other sort of block..
The banner is the only thing that should be displayed in the block, no text or anything..

Thanx for help!

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Re: Customblock - Changing banner?

Post by Kevin »

Create a new file, called banner.php save it in portal/block/ - content:

Code: Select all


* @package - Board3portal
* @copyright (c) kevin / saint ( ), (c) Ice, (c) nickvergessen ( ), (c) redbull254 ( ), (c) Christian_N ( )
* @based on: phpBB3 Portal by Sevdin Filiz,
* @license GNU Public License 

if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))

if (!defined('IN_PORTAL'))

$banners = array(

Do not edit below this line unless you know what you are doing.

$randnum = rand(0, count($banners) - 1); // Choose a random banner
$exploded = explode(",", $banners[$randnum]); // Separate chosen banner by ,

$url = $exploded[0]; // Grab the URL for the banner
$img = $exploded[1]; // Grab the image for the banner

            'BANNER_URL'     => $url,
            'BANNER_IMAGE'   => $img,

Include it in your portal.php with:

Code: Select all

include($phpbb_root_path . 'portal/block/banner.'.$phpEx); 
Create a new template file in styles\prosilver\template\portal\block\, called banner.html and use the new variables:
and include the new template in your portal_body.html

That should be it.
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Re: Customblock - Changing banner?

Post by Kevin »

Why do you sent me a PM?
For your Question i need more information - which style do you use and should it be a site block or a center block?
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Re: Customblock - Changing banner?

Post by Jens E »

Kevin wrote:Why do you sent me a PM?
For your Question i need more information - which style do you use and should it be a site block or a center block?
I am using the nexus style and i want it to be in centerblock.

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Re: Customblock - Changing banner?

Post by Kevin »

Show me the wordgraph template content, please.
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Re: Customblock - Changing banner?

Post by Jens E »

Ah, thanx alot for the help Kevin.. i figured out how to make it work.. :)

Its in the banner block on the portal page right nu!

Jens - Who is very happy!
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Re: Customblock - Changing banner?

Post by Kevin »

Great - have fun! :)
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Re: Customblock - Changing banner?

Post by amroth »

und das ganze nun in deutsch ?

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